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  1. Bhaktajan II

    Śrī Īśopaniṣad

    This is a sutra that I would like your view of upon reading: Śrī Īśopaniṣad Iso Introduction Iso Invocation — The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete...
  2. Bhaktajan II

    I presume it's just me

    My posts take 2 to 3 days to pass moderation before being posted. I don't mind...but it just occurred to me that this might be due to some glitch. I can not engage in any real time banter *due to this lag-time. *Maybe that is why?
  3. Bhaktajan II

    What’s Sacrifice? Have you Sacrificed?

    Who thinks they don’t Sacrifice? What’s your sacrifice lately? OMG I looked up the definition of “Sacrifice” online –and this is their definition: SACRIFICE noun 1. an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural...
  4. Bhaktajan II

    Absolute-ness means...

    I invite anyone to pick a topic, from below, or in contrast to a topic below, to discuss: HYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHY Absolute-ness means "A" is differs from "B" there is A & B plus many other letters. Each is absolutely different from the other --'spell-check' proves that...
  5. Bhaktajan II

    Hello Everyone

    I am proud to be back. Say hello to everyone. If I may be received, I may stay.
  6. Bhaktajan II

    Mega Bat Found!

    This is scary Real! Giant Bat ---the Myth started in the Porto Rico? Why Porto Rico? I know there deep caves there. My Comment: Is this a hoax? Kali yuga descriptions include man-eater prevalence and much later growth...
  7. Bhaktajan II

    React to insults--Why turn other Cheek

    This is a verbatim excerpt from the Ancient Epic, "The Maha-Bharata": Importance of self-control Yudhisthira inquired, “How should one react to people who insult you by their rudeness and arrogance?” Bhisma replied, “If one does not become angry when insulted by another, then he takes away...
  8. Bhaktajan II

    Good & Bad Karma Cataloged

    1] What are examples of having recieved "Good Karma"? How does one obtain the rewards of inheriting/garnering "Good Karma"? 2] What are examples of having recieved "Bad Karma"? How does one obtain the rewards of inheriting/garnering "Bad Karma"? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Can we highlight...
  9. Bhaktajan II

    Self-Consciousness vs Self-Realisation

    What are the differences between Self-Consciousness and Self-Realisation? Is Self-Consciousness a part of ego-conscious-vanity and self-esteem and thus, at the far end of the spectrum gives rise to supreme [yet temporal] selfish conceit? versus Self-Realisation is the result of...
  10. Bhaktajan II

    Isha Upanishad recited by George - Final Ed

    This is the Upanisad known as the Isha Upanisad. it is 19 verse long. Also Known as the Isopanisad. Imagine if you knew well these 19 sankrit verses. Usually we expect a recitation to be done in a staid meter. But, Now, Imagine if we were in Wales, in a public lodge, I stand at the fireplace...
  11. Bhaktajan II

    Disk Brakes = Asbestos

    What are the Disk Brake Pads on your auto made of? Are Disk Brakes Pads made of Asbestos legally sold in your country? FYI: I guess their might be some countries that still produce this product for sale. But I don't know. But I if it is, that major city would have air-borne smog...
  12. Bhaktajan II

    Historicity of Vedic and Ramayan Eras

    This is a new publication: "Historicity of Vedic and Ramayan Eras" here's a link to a review: Amazing facts about - Ancient India here's two excerpts: The Book seeks to answer following questions- Is it time to rewrite the true history of the world, particularly of the Indian...
  13. Bhaktajan II

    viagra meds = monkey gland extracts

    I have heard a passing remark to the effect that sexual enhancements can be had via monkey glands etc. Steroids and Monkey Glands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Serge Voronoff In 1999, some speculated that the AIDS virus...
  14. Bhaktajan II

    all mental activities (thinking, feeling and willing)

    'chetasa'—all mental activities (thinking, feeling and willing); The 8 Seperated energies are [listed herein from gross to subtile ~although these come into existence vis-versa, from subtile to gross]: Earth Water Fire Aire Either Mind Intelligence Ego It is item #6 ‘Mind’ that interests...
  15. Bhaktajan II

    Enlightenment of an Encyclopedia

    If metaphorically, a human is a walking Encyclopedia . . . what is Enlightenment of an Encyclopedia? What happens to an Encyclopedia upon the moment of Enlightenment or salvation, or liberation? What happens to a 3-D living walking thinking breathing Human-Encyclopedia?
  16. Bhaktajan II

    CrossWord Puzzles in all Languages?

    Is it possible that certain launguages of the world do NOT allow for the formation of Cross-Word Puzzles, as we know them, in the west? Are some languages incapable of being made into Cross-Word Puzzles? <You see, these are the kind of things I think about.>
  17. Bhaktajan II

    Bhaktajan's Wife has left him

    My wife has run away from the Hare Krishna Movement and taken my kids. She has taken the children and declared that I am a fool for my beliefs and that I must follow her demands or she'll never let me see the Kids. I would like to open this to discussion. I will view all comments and respond...
  18. Bhaktajan II

    The 6 Schools of Hindu metaphysics

    Selected passages by Bhaktajan on the subject of: The six Philosophical Schools of esoteric Hindu metaphysics Commentaries by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami: “After studying the six philosophical theses, Vyasadeva completely summarized them all in the aphorisms of Vedanta philosophy...
  19. Bhaktajan II

    Dis-info about authentic Hinduism

    Dis-information about bonefide Hinduism: The following sites are being propagated by either a svengali BS artist, or an obvious anti-Hindu dis-information purveyor.
  20. Bhaktajan II

    Steve Jobs' Speech At Stanford University

    Steve Jobs regularly at dinner at the Hare Krishna temple while he attend Reed College in Oregon, USA. Excerpt of the Radio Interveiw: JOBS: The minute I dropped out, I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more...