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  1. Stephen III

    Religion for fools?

    Well, for me good and evil are spiritual concepts, not religious. I chose the word evil purposely, because I could not think of another word that conveyed the horrors that have been perpetrated in the name of religion.
  2. Stephen III

    What is "Spirituality"?

    Although I'm a man without any spiritual dimension, I can see spirituality with my logical mind. Webster's defines it as "of or relating to sacred matters OR: ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal" I would say it is the opening of one's inner self to a greater concept, a life map...
  3. Stephen III

    Religion for fools?

    Well, I'm new here, as you can see that this is post number 2. I am awed at the depth of thought presented in this thread, in fact, this entire forum. For me this breaks down to the difference between religion and spirituality, as stated far better by someone else. I am searching for that...
  4. Stephen III


    I live in the western United States. I turned 50 this year and decided my life sucks. Taking inventory, I came up with three major issues... I was smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day (I quit exactly 3 months ago today) I was fat (I still am, but working on it, 12 pounds lost so far) I...