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  1. sword and silver

    how do we escape from the antropocentric belief/risk?

    I’m not sure that growth is really a problem at the moment. As has already been noted, most of the industrialized world is actually slowing its growth or shrinking in size. Some European nations are looking at a population decrease at the moment. What I think exists is more of a problem with the...
  2. sword and silver

    The significance of "belief"

    Beliefs are our thoughts about reality with relation to our perception of that reality. From a more religious and spiritual standpoint, however, beliefs are what define the way I relate to the divine, and how I think the divine relates to me. I think the trouble arises when people...
  3. sword and silver

    How do you Reconstruct?

    Thanks, everyone, for your input, ideas, and information. I've been curious about the pagan paths for a long time because I don't fit well with Christianity and have found the pagan philosophies fit better with my world perspective than others. Still, it seems the whole matter is a bit more...
  4. sword and silver

    The Necronomicon: Fact or Fiction?

    The Necronomicon: Fact or Fiction... does it have to be one or the other? Lovecraft is perhaps one of the greatest horror, fantasy, sci-fi writers of the 20th century (his writing deserves to be put in all three of those categories). Yet his works were completely fictitious, right? What's...
  5. sword and silver

    How do you Reconstruct?

    Thank you Erynn and WHKeith for the information you've provided for me on the pagan movement in general and on reconstruction more specifically. I'd like to comment on a couple of matters they've brought up. First, thank you Erynn for bringing up "mixed races" in your post, this is a matter I...
  6. sword and silver

    How do you Reconstruct?

    When I started this thread I had no intention on getting into matters of race, ethnicity, and other politically explisove issues. However, MatTheCat has brought up some interesting issues, though in doing so he skates the line of being racist. Since I have a bachelor's in biochemistry and have...
  7. sword and silver

    How do you Reconstruct?

    Just for the sake of clarity, I'd like to emphasize that I'm not attacking anyone's beliefs, nor am I disagreeing with the validity of any chosen path. My questions are asked purely out of a sense of curiosity and the opportunity to explore alternative religious practices. My apologies for...
  8. sword and silver

    How do you Reconstruct?

    Greetings and Salutations to all, I'm new here and have some questions about the Pagan world. Maybe someone here can point me in the right direction. My general question is how do you reconstruct a dead religion? I've studied history for years, particularly ancient history (Greece, Rome, and...
  9. sword and silver

    "a" or "the" true religion

    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and "Truth is Beauty and Beauty is Truth", so is Truth in the eye of the beholder? Having looked at so many of the religions of the world, having read so many opinions here, it seems to me if there were only one 'Truth', then only one person somewhere...
  10. sword and silver

    What is "Spirituality"?

    I think Bian's take on spirituality is very Taoist, and contains a great deal of truth to it, especially where he says "you find where you always were". I think the journey of spirituality isn't about getting somewhere, but about arriving where you've always been. I disagree, however, that...
  11. sword and silver

    Greetings and Salutations

    I must say, this is a very interesting web site and am looking forward to learning more of the various beliefs of the world through discussion. I myself was raised as a Pretestant Christian, and currently am a United Methodist, though I wouldn't say I'm a very good Christian since my personal...