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  1. T

    Are you happy?

    I've asked myself this question quite a bit. I would say that "happy" is not descriptive enough for how a person feels about their life. Terms such as "hopeful perserverance", "deep understanding", and "calmness of mind" are what I view as the major forerunners of an overall "happiness"...
  2. T

    Samael Aun Weor

    I agree. It has been my philosophy in the past to never believe in any one viewpoint of reality, but to take the ideas from each one that I deem reightous and use them in my life. This is difficult as there are many grey areas, though. Although the review at the website you gave is not too...
  3. T

    Samael Aun Weor

    Hello, this is my first post here. I apologize if it is in the wrong area... I have recently been reading about Samael Aun Weor and his works at websites like But, before I become too interested in any thing written or proclaimed, I like to see the critical viewpoints. I...