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  1. N

    Oneness of Allah

    LOL. Did you, like, just completely edit your post or something? Anyways, to answer your question, yes, I do believe that anyone who doesn't follow the Qur'aan is wrong and a disbeliever (not necessarily an idolator). But I think what you're trying to prove is that I'm "intolerant"...
  2. N

    Oneness of Allah

    No, no, no... I think you sort of may have misunderstood what I said. Social and political conditions don't have anything to do with what I'm talking about. Here, just take this simple example: Ahmed believes in the Qur'aan and he believes that it is the word of God. Let's say he's a new...
  3. N

    Oneness of Allah

    I don’t really know your religious or ideological background, but I’ll try to reply the best I can. Also, when I say “you”, I’m not referring to you specifically, but just in general, so I hope that you please won’t be offended. Actually, no, that seems to be a major misconception with a lot of...
  4. N

    Oneness of Allah

    No, Ummah definately means the world Muslim community in general, and not both Non-Muslims and Muslims. This is the way the word has been understood and used for centuries.
  5. N

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    So you basically don't like Islaam because you hate to abide by any of the rulings and commandments of God. You hate to be subjected to God's authority. Isn't this right? Or is it that you only hate it when those rulings aren't in line with your opinion? If this is the case, then this is the...
  6. N

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Well, I would've posted this in one of the general areas but I thought you'd end up moving it here anyways With your permission, I'm still willing to post it in other sections as well. :D
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    Fundamentals of Islaam

  8. N

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    I didn't really understand your criticism. Come again, please.
  9. N

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    I just thought maybe I'd post a short article on the basics and fundamentals of Islam. It's like a primer :D. Anyways, feel free to ask questions. I hope this is allowed. FUN-damentals of Islam By Shazain Pervez.</H3>This was a speech...
  10. N

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    Dude, lol, I have like no idea what you're talking about anymore.
  11. N

    Oneness of Allah

    The word you're looking for is Tawheed. Here's a short summary: The statement “none has the right to be worshiped but God” has deeper meanings that ought to be elaborated on, such as: A. The word ‘worship’ includes obedience, which means none has the right to be obeyed over God. This also...
  12. N

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    lol, dude, I still don't think I understand what it is you're trying to say. Like, what's your bottom line or your main point? Okay, anyways, here, lemme try to see if I understood your argument correctly. What you're saying is that, since Jesus and Muhammad didn't teach exactly the same stuff...
  13. N

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    I'm sorry Quahom, I didn't really seem to understand your concern/question/argument or whatever it is you're trying to say. Could you please rephrase or simplify? Thanks. By the way, sorry for the late response.
  14. N

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    Uhhmmm... Why was he suspended? Are you sure about that? I beg to differ. Here, read this article (I hope copying and pasting is allowed by the mods, and I'll be excused by them if it's not, since it's my first post and I don't know):