Search results

  1. Gunner

    The Transformation of Karma

    What do you think are the Major changes to the Eastern Philosopy of Karma as it traveled from India, through China and into Japan?
  2. Gunner

    The Attack On Hell : Urgent

    I am in the process of writting a final paper, and am looking, but not finding, information on the Taoist Ritual on "The Attack on Hell" , if anyone knows anything about this ritual, or where to look for information you help will be greatly apreciated! Lovingly, Gunner
  3. Gunner

    Jen: Source of Power and Morality in Confusionism?

    Im having troble locating the source of power and morality within confusionism. My reasearch has lead me to the concept of "jen", one that I am afraid I am having trouble grasping. I was wondering if anyone knows if, a) I am on the right path and b) what is jen?:confused: Thank you in advance
  4. Gunner

    Children of Abraham

    Hi, i am currently writting a scolarly paper, and i've been searching through the Qu'ran, for quite sometime, for any quotes about Muslims being the true children of Abraham, and claims of fallacies (or misinterpretations) within the other 2 monothestic texts, and belief. Anyone got anything?