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  1. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    woops accidentally cut myself off there. so: AS to 'how do u embrace the Upanishads while shrugging off the Vedas?' - you pretty much can't because the whole purpose, if you look into it, of the Upanishads is to explain the meaning of the Vedas. It is (of sorts) similar to disregarding the...
  2. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    salishan, u say that with all established religions, one must either take it or leave. I cannot stress how much i disagree with you on that point. For instance, Christianity, i'm sure you will agree is one of sed established religions. Yet their are over 33,000 denominations if Christianity...
  3. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    You ask the question wether religion can span over millenia, but do not take in the fact that like all culture and societies, religion evolves and the people of the orgiginal HIndu religion were to see it in its current form would not recognize it and say that it is another religion outright...
  4. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    its true i must say many misinterpret their scriptures and i cannot say that Hindus do not either. Everybody has their own views and nobody can change that.
  5. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    hey radarmark, i have to say, i almost missed your post entirely. you say that the neo-Vedantic view is difficult to defend as you are not a Hindu. I can see how that could be a problem, yet i strongly encourage you to explore Hinduisms depths as i find it to be a very interesting subject. I...
  6. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    Oh i almost forgot, if you would like to read more on my simplistic views of purist brahmanism, visit my site. Its mainly basic stuff but i would appreciate it greatly if you did. i cant post urls on here so for directions: type 'gcse hinduism beliefs and worship' - its the secon one with...
  7. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    Thank you salishan, It is very much true what you say, and i do not disagree at all with what your point of view. However i must stress that what i talked about in my previous posts was more so about the pure idealism of the core functions and beliefs of the sanatan dharma, hinduism. and i must...
  8. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    iv just read it again, and i must admit: its not very well written :/
  9. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    Here is a short essay that i wrote several years back, i hope it will be useful to the readers of this forum: Is Hinduism monotheistic, polytheistic or non-theistic? Hinduism can be described as monotheistic, as it based upon one main god, Brahman. Brahman is the one and only true god of...
  10. H

    Hindu deities=1 God?

    I believe that Hinduism is monotheistic, and that the different deities are the representations of the different aspects of the one true God, Brahman. Most Hindus that i have met and talked too also share that opinion. They seem to find the different deities as a way to get closer to Brahman and...