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  1. L

    I hope that you're not making a remark directing at all Muslims. I know many and they're peaceful. And . . . I don't live far from these C4C people.
  2. L

    Well, how do you think some would react if this was a Muslim camp? Could you imagine--here in the Bible Belt--the possible uproar?
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    I'm not making this up. I've noticed a few of these "" signs along the higway, not far from where we live. I finally went to the website. I still . . . well, I'm still don't know how to react to this. I have to say something: If this was...
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    What A Republican Thinks Of Islam . . . .

    JC Bowman is a Republican and he works for Jeb Bush. Here are some of his views. What do you think . . . ? Does the Quran really breed contempt for non-Muslims? Could the same be said of the Bible?
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    Modern Pagans and the existence of Satan and the Christian god

    But is Satanism actually interwined with Neopaganism, in your POV?
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    Did an asteroid cause Noah's Flood Tsunami? Here's a link to various flood stories from many cultures . . . .
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    I've read that First Century CE Christians and Jews wrote that they believed Jesus/Yesuha was the son of Mary and a Roman soldier named Pantera/Panthera. Some even wrote that Yesuha went to Egypt and was schooled in Egyptian magicks. Are these part of the Gnostics?
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    Same God . . . .

    I'm a Deist; I believe that the Bible was influenced by Zoroastorianism, along with some pagan beliefs. I don't have a problem with the concept of the three main monotheistic religions worshipping different aspects of the same God or Creator. That's where I stand.
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    Same God . . . .

    I've been having a debate with some Christians. I say that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Many of them deny this, saying that "Allah" is an idol, a false god. What do all of you say?
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    A Thought . . . .

    I'm a Deist. I don't have a problem with "organized/revealed religions" as long as they don't do anything in the way of infringing on others' rights. Yes, I have a problem with ultra right-wing Christians and how they view those of other religious beliefs and lifestyles. Someone--in another...
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    I have some questions: In religious literature, does "Krohn" have any significance in regards to prophets and prophecy? What do you know of the Left Hand of God? Religious meaning of avatars?