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    Funny isn't it? Does anyone agree with me?

    I believe Faith and Divinity are intrinsicly meaningful concepts that transcend our "regular" preconceived knowledge of things such as the universe. eternity exists Outside of time....its a state that does not exist within our preconceived concepts of the structure of time. Faith is of a...
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    Is there any point?

    kaspar, i am sure you effect people everyday in positive ways and you have no idea. so i would say you are probably contributing a lot to the world having more compassion in it just by being in it...there are a lot more people than you might think who have no desire in them whatsoever to care...
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    you know what else I just thought of! The way you worded that "an intelligent entity at the root of it all" In transhumanistic philosophy I think there is a "common belief", that we are just living in a simulation, we are from the future---future humans created a way to stimulate a life in the...
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    Thank you for your responses. That is a great quote SacredStar. I think that is so interesting what you posted Blue about the Professor, I wonder if he did not want people to think he was calling an intelligent entity a God because it seems in science some think that people who believe in...
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    How much does everyone keep in mind ever-changing paradigms and the effects caused when they change (people being killed and all for new ideas!) Stephen Hawking said "If there is a God, we would call it order" What an interesting point showing how he values abstraction when it comes to truth...
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    Is God omniscient or limited?

    Happy New Year's! There were so many great pages on this topic I hope I am not reiterating any points people mentioned. I saw a movie where they mentioned "To explain God is like being a fish trying to explain the ocean we swim in" Also, if God is all powerful, can God create a rock too...
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    A Great Response

    for Blue- I don't know what is the point of arguing with everyone's post's on the basis of the other people's thoughts not being "reasonable" enough, this is great for an atheist club or a logic club personally. Some of the arguments I think he makes do occasionally foster more questioning of...
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    Would you live your life again?

    Re: This is such a fun thread to read! Well immediately, what you wrote Brian made me think of the Nietzsche quote::: The heaviest burden: “What, if some day or night, a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life, as you now live it and have lived...
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    A River of Dreams

    Did anyone read the link I posted? If yes, Do you disagree with encarta's definition of aesthetics or did I misunderstand something? People still seem to limit themselves to certain ancient greek idea's of reason in art? <<and santanya?>>I am going to just post this definition. I still want to...
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    Biology of Belief

    youknow they said the same/similar thing(s) in this movie: *What the bleep do we know*? (Personally I was disappointed by the movie for various reasons but it is still a good flick and brings up this same point! I believe it, I think you can change events and the outside world by thinking...
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    What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?

    You might like that movie "I heart huckabees". It is really good and some of your questions made me think of this film. Also,Hamlet, what you wrote reminds me of Hamlet. Remember Hamlets speech about "What is this quintessence of dust?" He is like---This o'erhanging firmament this majestical...
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    A River of Dreams

    Thank you Dominique for posting your poetry again. It is very prophetic and full of rich meaning and depth. Blue----First off, on Aesthetics (quite ironically I am an Aesthetician, not in the sense you mean though)...
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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Thank you JJM for responding to my post and answering my questions. I read the bit about Constantine burning down many of the libraries containing writings on Jesus's life on a website that said because Constantine did not like a lot of what Jesus said about things such as vegetarianism and...
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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    I believe many Christians believe that the Bible in the original Hebrew, Greek &/or Aramaic(sp) is the Word of God. I often hear of people referring to the Bible as the word of God, that is what separates it from other religions I have heard people say but I am sure there is also the opinion...
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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Brian-I have had similar questions like this. I have spent a lot of time reading the Bible, reading the different translations and trying to figure out how the Bible was put together. Basically, what I have discovered is it is a completley illogical religion and faith(although a part of me does...
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    Which history would you visit?

    I would like to visit the time period either late Medieval or right before the Reformation in Europe. (Bosch is one of my favorite artists This is a neat time--crusades, black plague, the monasterys, there's a lot to experience. knights & castles & all that
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    A River of Dreams

    Blue, you commented *Why 'transcend' the subordinate reality? The transcendental is often praised as in some way superior to rationality. I wonder why that is?*** to me, this seems naive why u would wonder why anyone would not want to primarily deal with this world in a rational way, ===there...
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    A River of Dreams

    that is so beautiful
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    Why Believe????

    Okay, I think that there might be some confusion about Pascal---(My sister has explained this to me before she referred to it as a mathematical paradox but I don't think she mentioned pascal, she is super smart though and I don't think she has ever made any scholarly mistakes , butI could be...
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    Why Believe????

    One thing I try to keep in mind is everything we observe in the universe is filtered through human perception. (I guess Einstein for example argued for relativity, "the moon still exists even if you can not see it, etc) but order we find is processed through our brain. is a snowflake really...