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    University of Wisconsin study on meditation story ran on the front page of the Washington Post Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 3, 2005; Page A05 Brain research is beginning to...
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    Daily Wisdom Saying

    People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. - unknown
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    Baby steps to enlightenment

    Thank you all for your kind words of Welcome and the time you have put into answering my questions so far.
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    Slowly ending samsara

    I see your point but my question is Cloned beings have life- Therefore wouldn't clones be considered part of a species? And as such don't they deserve classification? Wouldn't they too have a soul?
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    Slowly ending samsara

    Thank you all for your replies- I find this all very interesting Why doesn't cloning count? Aren't clones living beings? As for new beings- many conservation projects are creating very subtley altered subspecies of the animal they are trying to protect. An example would be the FL Puma- I...
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    Is rebirth idea of any effect?

    You can notice patterns in your current life that reflect the Karma of a past life. Example- People who seem to do nothing at all in this life and yet $ just falls in their lap- you can bet they were extremely charitable in a past life. If you work hard at having happy relationships and...
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    Slowly ending samsara

    Thank you all for your comments! I actually spoke to my instructor last night and she pointed out that although many species are headed for extinction- many new forms are evolving. Furthermore- the exact animal is not important- it's the classification that counts- human, higher animal...
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    Slowly ending samsara

    Please remember that I'm new to Buddhism- but I had a thought this weekend and I wanted other opinions on it. Lately, more and more animals are on the "protected" or "endangered" species list b/c their #'s are dwindling. Here in the West- more and more women are choosing not to have children...
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    Baby steps to enlightenment

    I found your forum quite by accident but the timing could not have been better. For about a month now I have been taking a weekly general Kadampa Buddhism meditation class and I may want to extend my commitment a bit further. I hope I can find a few answers to the questions I know I will have...