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  1. H

    What is Chi?

    Another decent and chatty source: "Taoism" by John Blofield. Pity he's now passed on; he sounds like a wonderful person.
  2. H

    What is Chi?

    I've learned a lot about chi from the short book, "Understanding The Power of Ch'i" by Michael Page, Thorsons, UK, 1988 & 1994. Off-hand I can't see any real difference to the Hindu prana. But what did strike me is that ch'i in a sense is not one thing. There are a huge number of divisions...
  3. H

    hinduism and new age

    Admittedly individual opinion comes in on this one to some extent, but looking back it's possible to trace the threads of the New Age to a large extent. There are also two or three books doing this as well as a few modules on some university MA taught courses. Very roughly, the origins of the...
  4. H

    You know nothing about Hinduism

    Expletives aside, there's a thread of truth in your correspondent's note. Or rather, there could be if he actually made a positive point. :) It's now a little bit difficult to know exactly how people of the Indian subcontinent will have internally conceived of themselves religiously, or...
  5. H

    Age of Aquarius

    LOL, when I saw that you, Brian, put in the 2016 date, I thought that there'd be a few disparate views. There are scores of opinions about when Aquarius did or will begin. The best approach seems to be just to say it is gradual - so we are partly in it now for sure. Sacredstar, still another...