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  1. S

    Transcendence in Judiasm

    that's a very nice point. thank you from all the tribe members. i can't help but feel that judaism is a bit more complicated though. essential to normative judaism is exoteric (not transcendent) law. god says to abraham that he must circumcise himself, his son, and all of his generations...
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    Jewish declaration of faith?

    Ditto all that dauer wrote, however, for the sake of historicity, the Chakham Moshe ben-Maimon (Maimonides) lived (and wrote for that matter) in the 12th century. His works are historically contemporaneous with that of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He was one of Judaism's first great legal codifiers...
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    The Paradoxes of Jewish History

    Well, it seems that you have made a declarative statement; i'm not sure where the dialogue is. Are you upset that the Jews rallied around the Torah? Do you want to discuss Historical Materialism and suggest, like Freud did, that Moses can never hurt us again? Perhaps you ought to examine the...
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    Sephardic Temple

    PS- i'd love to hear the band; how can i acquire a CD? And my family is also Romaniot (but NO ONE ever knows what that is), from Salonika as well, hence the name... But it sounds like our experiences of coming into our own might be very similar.
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    Sephardic Temple

    Wow, do i hear you, BananaBrain... i just don't buy their ideology anymore either! Although, i just left Chovevei Torah, the Modern Orthodox flagship, for the Masorti school, JTS. I just found that here on this side of the pond, the OU is not too fond of allowing Sephardim to be Sephardi. I...
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    Cultural Judaism

    BB- Nice response; articulate, and i couldn't agree more. Nuance is difficult by the fact that it defies pat answers. I would say more on this topic but i don't think i could say it any better... -Salonius
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    Differences between Rabbi and Hakham

    A Sephardic Rabbi is also called a Hakham; the titles are synonymous as per the Jewish group, Sephardic and Ashkenazi respectively. In short, I call my Rabbi, Hakham. -Salonius
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    Sephardic Temple

    "if you mean "temple" as in "temple beth shalom, beverly hills" (ie, a modern building), then it just means a modern north american synagogue, probably reform or conservative, in which case probably not sephardic, because we still have synagogues." --BB Although, it is the case that Tifereth...
  9. S

    did anyone see that programme about the kabbalah centre on the BBC last night?

    I likewise did not see the episode in question... However, i know that their origins are legitimate, but they have taken it past the high water mark. I had professor of mysticism at the University of Judaism named Pinchas Giller who has extensive information on them. Maybe if you google his...