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  1. Raven Grimassi


    I agree with Ben that the first link is closet, and the second a modern personal rendering. The Theban script bears a strong resemblance to the letter style of the Etruscan alphabet, which like the Theban is missing the English equivalent of the letters U, J, and W. Upon examination...
  2. Raven Grimassi

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    No worries, through the years I've developed a rather thick skin. ;) I certainly never expect everyone to agree with my material. My writings are simply my interpretation and my conclusions on the available data I have encountered. Even the best of scholars disagree with one another...
  3. Raven Grimassi

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    Wow, I had no idea. Well, thanks for clearing that up for everyone. ;) Best regards - Raven Grimassi
  4. Raven Grimassi

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    I think your comment is a bit exaggerated. But yes, I am convinced of the antiquity of Italian Witchcraft. This is due in part to ancient literature and history related to Aegean/Mediterranean Witchcraft, which now spans over 2500 years. Nowhere do I ever claim that Italian Witchcraft is...
  5. Raven Grimassi

    A Raven Grimassi Mystery...

    No mystery is closed to an open mind. Since I am Raven Grimassi, perhaps I can help unravel the "Raven Grimassi Mystery" for you. First off, as I state in the Introduction to my book Italian Witchcraft, this book introduces a modern system that I created. It does, however, in addition present an...