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  1. V

    I checked out the COMBAT website as well. Interesting to say the least. I think in some ways a spiritual "boot camp" can be a good thing but teaching children to use firearms in an enivronment purported to honour God is a little iffy for my liking. They use Ephesians as a basis (6:10-) but I...
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    Science and Religion

    To think of religion as a way of explaining something that we cannot yet understand is basically reducing it to the level of a stop gap to fill in the pieces until 'Science' rescues us, which is a typically modernist perspective as far as science being the ultimate solution for all our problems...
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    Quote Who are you to say or decide that killing another person is not normal, just because you strongly agree with something doesn’t necessarily make it right, how do we define normal? I guess the obvious answer would be ‘the majority’, I agree it would make sense, but lets create another...
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    What is Love?

    Dear Postmaster Love for one's family should not be considered under the idea of love as lust (husband/wife) or infatuation (children). Families and those closest to us are precisely the ones who are more likely to cause us the greatest level of pain at times because of the depth of our...
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    Ulitmate Question!

    I'm curious as to why you want to know where everyone stands in their views? I am also interested in your understanding of the term spiritualist. Do you use it in the sense of those that act as mediums etc or is it a more general term for anyone interest in 'spirituality' (as broad a definition...
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    Dear All, Thought I might just say a brief hello to everyone, good to be a part of this diverse and interesting group of people. By way of introduction I am a christian (most of the time;) ) from Australia and am glad to have found a site where people can discuss all sorts of interesting stuff...
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    That they are very relaxed and have great accents:). Thankyou for your warm welcome. Some very interesting topics in this place, wish I'd found it sooner. How long have you been a Rasta?
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    While I wold agree that this particular physical earth is temporary I do not think that it is a "mere illusion". If you start down that track you have to seriously question God's purpose in creating this "illusion". We must also consider the fact that according to traditional Christian faith we...
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    Dear CanuckRasta, I know a little about Canadians but nothing about Rastafarians. Please enlighten me as to what the basic tenets of your faith are as I am curious. Sad to say at this stage I am quite ignorant about what Rastas are all about.
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    Where does the idea of Hell as temporary suffering leave us in terms of our sense of justice about those who perpetrate great evil? Also, from a Christian perspective, doesn't the sacrifice of Christ do away with the need for anyone to suffer for their sins in the afterlife?
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    Is God omniscient or limited?

    Re: Omnipotent God? If we accept for a minute the idea that God is loving then couldn't it also follow that He (sorry bout' the gender specific language) is limited to an extent in what He can do? What I mean is if God is pure love then feasibly it wouldn't be possible for God to do anything...