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  1. T


    I like to use the KJV too, both for reading and for study. If there is something which I want to take a deeper more involved look at then I will take a look at other translations that I can find online too. The church I go to uses the NLV and the NIV which I have no problem with. I think using...
  2. T

    Whatever happened to Paul?

    I dont know if he was buried or not. I found out that he was imprisoned and beheaded in Rome as commanded by Nero, and also that he wrote his last epistle 2 Tomothy while he was in the cells. not much information there, but i hope it helps
  3. T

    pagan prophecy?

    Thats just it! This too would have given Pagans something to identify with, something that was not seen as just for the Jews, that Jesus came for all, so that all could know God.
  4. T

    pagan prophecy?

    should we give credit to a pagan prophecy of Christ? Or should such prophecy be disregarded and why? here is a quote from Virgil's fourth eclogue. "Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Justice returns, returns...
  5. T

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    I do think though that if there is a place that has got a reputation for hauntings, some people will see what they expect to see (or what they are terrified of seeing!) Opposite to this I also think that ghosts appear when we are not expecting them, and maybe we at the time do not even realise...
  6. T

    Sons of God?

    Who were the sons of God, can anyone shed some light about this? I've heard some different names given to them, such as watchers, grigori, fallen angels and even demons. as i understand the result were the nephilim, which the great flood destroyed. Genesis 6:2 -the sons of God saw the...