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  1. T

    Does God speak to you?

    i give u islamic view about speaking with god allah says in (quran42 :51) "It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most...
  2. T

    Question about Jesus and John

    dear didymus, u r intelligent.... ur question about john and jesus yes john no that he is a prophet of god but he was searchig for the final prophet of he asked jesus if he is the coming(the last prophet) or we wait another? the last prophet was mohammad (pbuh) and all prophet of god...
  3. T

    If you are wrong, do you go to hell?

    oh no! i am really sorry! i ve taken about sthg at its unwanted place i read in the first post of this thread that muslim,jews and christian worship one god......this point make my speak about trinity i repeat my apologize! but i saw that u talk again about trinity here:confused: i...
  4. T

    If you are wrong, do you go to hell?

    if sbdy choose wrong religion he go to hell dear marsh u say that all worship God no i am moslim i worship one God christian worship three gods and i mean three gods u say trinity and 3in 1 this is some thing unreasonable and i think u have mind then who say about trinity?????? god or priests...