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  1. M

    I am working on the Renewal of Islam

    Postmaster - "Why do people try to fly when God hasn't given them wings? - Postmaster" airplanes, helicopters, hot-air ballons, shuttles/rockets, blimps, hand-gliding? people desire to travel faster and explore the skies. myself.. i could never figure out why people want to jump out of...
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    I am working on the Renewal of Islam

    amlhabibi2000.. Islam doesnt need renewal. Islam is the perfected way of life for all of mankind, a guidance provided by Allah, our Lord and Creator. Islam covers all aspects of life and informs us of our purpose here. The Quran is the word of God, delivered from Gabriel to Mohammad, peace be...
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    Special Needs Children

    have you heard much about mercury poisoning being related to autism and other disorders? heres a few things i came across:
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    Special Needs Children

    i use to work in a facility for the physically and mentally challenged several years ago and one of my favorite residents there was this beautiful child who suffered with autism. Abogado del Diablo, may God bless you and your family and grant you patience and strength to endure your hardships...
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    The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

    Islam against Christ? thats absurd thinking. as i said before, please LEARN the facts and stop following your desires. Islam is very pro-Christ, all of Gods blessed prophets taught us to worship the one true God. Jesus never commanded man to worship him, and the bible actually names many "sons"...
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    The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

    Postmaster, what exactly pisses you off about Islam? are you even reading material that the muslims are posting? how can we help clear up any misconceptions? do you realize that Islam is all about submitting to God, about family, equality, peace, charity? please, seek facts.
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    The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

    i ve posted this before in another thread and thought i would again post it here, just to give you a litte insight PostMaster.... Islams position on polygamy Muslims are often accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in Islam. Islam did not introduce polygamy. Unrestricted...
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    Theological problem.

    2) It means that there are millions of people out there practising the wrong religion. none of us have any control over the family we are born into and how we are raised as children. its our parents that teach us to follow christianity, judaism, buddhism..etc. when we reach the age of reason...
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    The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

    you are welcomed to join :D ;) i converted over a decade ago and i am still learning more and more about this beautiful and often times, very misunderstood way of life. Islam was like a bright light turning on inside of me. finally my questions answered! All praise is due to God.
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    The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

    Postmaster.. peace to you. Jesus, peace be upon him, of course, was chosen by God. All of Gods prophets and messengers were chosen by God. Mohammad was sent as the LAST prophet to all of mankind. Accepting Mohammad, peace be upon him, as the last Prophet of God, means accepting all the...
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    Do angels have free will?

    Man is created from clay. Jinn (spirits) from the smokeless flame and Angels from a divine light called Nur. Both men and Jinn have been given free will. Some believe that satan was a fallen angel. Satan is from the jinn, and the jinn existed before the creation of man. Holy Quran (18:50)...
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    Phoenix Rising

    this was so beautiful. thanks for sharing. animals are a blessing to mankind.
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    Question: Why does Allah allow suffering and evil in the world?

    Question: I was wondering if you could possibly help me resolve some conflicting issues. If God is All-Powerful, He must be able to prevent evil. If God is All-Good, He must want to prevent evil. But evil and suffering exist. How is it possible for God to be both All-Powerful and All-Good and...
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    coffee, tea or soda?

    cold drink: lemonade! total addict!! and teas..i love em. especially mint tea... black seed and mint tea before bed time is very relaxing and it makes ya drowsy. i have a hard time falling asleep sometimes, so that helps. use honey instead of sugar, its better for ya.
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    peace to you julie. nice topic. i too have noticed lately that there seems to be alot of new books in many religions on the topics of intentions, sincerity..etc. i read a book recently titled Purification of the Soul, and there is a chapter in the book titled the Nature of Intention. i...
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    Islams position on Evolution

    i apologize if my article seemed misleading. it was an article i found online and thought it was interesting. from a muslims point of isnt impossible at all to incorporate science and religion. we believe all things in nature and science obey the commands of God. Islam is very...
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    The Heart

    The Messenger of Allah said; "Temptations are presented to the heart, one by one. Any heart that accepts them will be left with a black stain, but any heart that rejects them will be left with a mark of purity, so that hearts are of two types: a dark heart that had turned away and become like an...
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    GOD is the Light

    Yusuf Islam a.k.a. Cat Stevens recently released a song titled "God is the Light" (thought i'd share the lyrics with ya :) ) Yusuf Islam - God is the Light How great the wonder of the heavens And the timeless beauty of the night How great, then how great the Creator? And its star...
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    Islams position on Evolution

    Before discussing any scientific theory from a Muslim perspective, a basic axiom of the Muslim attitude toward knowledge should be understood. The same God Who created the physical universe also revealed scripture as a guidance for human beings. Although the main purpose of revelation is not to...
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    BELIEF: Who is the Creator?

    Can It Be Matter? by Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris A very popular question among atheists is, ‘Granted that the existence of temporal things necessitates the existence of an eternal cause, why should that cause be the God of religion? Why can’t matter be eternal and be therefore in no need of an...