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  1. V

    What if the Man of Sin is Here?

    Why do you call it the man of sin? We are all sinners. No human is immune from this. The antichrist is just that, a denier of Christ. All Christians will be persecuted by this individual. Some how he will be able to convince most of the world that Jesus is not our redeemer, the Son of God. The...
  2. V

    Oldest Religion? before christ ?

    Thank you Vajradhara. Could you give a basic background on the cosmologies of these religions and how they differ.
  3. V

    Oldest Religion? before christ ?

    In response to taijasi, in some ways I think you are correct. I believe the human race is much older than we understand. I feel the Old Testament is just as old. The stories in Genesis are about the time of Atlantis and Um. In Genesis 6 giants are mentioned. Isn’t there a similar creation...
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    Revelation, are you ready?

    Lunamoth, Yes I am aware of my body being a temple. Hm... You give me pause. I will have to find the passage I read that in. Quoting exact scripture is not something I do well. I only seem to remember the stories. So is this passage saying that some how our bodies are going to be rebuilt...
  5. V

    Revelation, are you ready?

    What if the "Rebuilding of the Temple" has nothing to do with the actual temple at all? What if it has to do with Israel rebuilding its faith? That would and could move much faster than constructing a massive temple out of stone and wood... my two cents. Quahom1, Hello I'm not positive about...
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    Revelation, are you ready?

    The Bible says that no one will know when the time comes. I also believe that Babylonis Babylon. The actual, real place. The fallen angel and his minions, I think, are bound in chains and buried under the Euphrates River. Isn’t that where the actual abyss is? I believe the time is not at hand...
  7. V

    What convinced you to believe the Bible?

    I guess I’ve been fortunate to have always believed. Through my life the way I’ve received its message has changed. It is a constant source of guidance. Through the years the message gets clearer and more concrete. I seem to get more and more of my whys answered. It humbles me. It is...
  8. V

    Question about Jesus and John

    Jesus said we must look at the world through a childs eyes. A child would ask why but when given the answer would believe the teller. We have been given the answers but are not satisfied and continue to ask why.