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  1. L

    Wisdoms behind the Islamic teachings

    Hello You are off to a bad start; here as well in your other thread (i'll deal with that when I get the chance. I want to read it a second time before I decide what to do about it). Response: Some muslims pasted what I feel are phony ‘scientific miracles’; in the thread I...
  2. L

    Wisdoms behind the Islamic teachings

    Friend, all you did was tell us the basic principles of Islam; you did not show why there is any 'wisdom' behind these principles. 'while many people in this world deny his blessing he forgive them when they request forgiveness' I'm sure the people who drowned in the flood, except Noah of...
  3. L

    Refutation of some of the Islamic 'miracles'

    Response 1-- Embryology “Islamic embryology” is derived from both the Qu’ran and the hadith, and is quite consistent across all the contributing sources. The core of the story can be found in the Qu’ran, 022.005: YUSUFALI: “O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection...