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  1. F

    signs pointing to a muslim leader/warrior?

    Salaam friend!, Sorry, I should have checked wether there was anyone with the same name... Lets just hope that no one gets us mixed up for each other. they all should soon know that there are two friends, spelt slightly differently ofcourse. And anyway, your posts are much more nicer...
  2. F

    signs pointing to a muslim leader/warrior?

    Greetings InChristallways, I think you are mistaking me for Friend [spelt: FRI...] and I am freind [spelt: FRE... [I'm not a good speller] But what you say is right, Muslims are part "Christians" and their are members of other faiths and athiests in goverments of the west, and Christianity...
  3. F

    signs pointing to a muslim leader/warrior?

    Where it says in my above post "when all of the above signs have appeared, the Christians will dominate the world and become its rulers", I think were at that stage now, or it could be that the domination and rule of the world by the Christian west will be further consolidated by establishing...
  4. F

    signs pointing to a muslim leader/warrior?

    Hi Mansio, What I meant was that some 'minor signs' which the Shiekh and writer of the above story, had listed [before I continued his story in my post] have allready appeared.The major ones, such as the ones that have been chronologised above, are left. Peace.
  5. F

    signs pointing to a muslim leader/warrior?

    Assalamualaykum and greetings, The following is a narrative from Moulana Ashraf Ali's [ra] book: behesti zewaar [heavenly ornaments]: The Sheikh lists some signs of the last day [which have all appeared] and then he writes: When all of the above mentioned signs will have appeared, the...
  6. F

    Quran Prophecy

    Greetings Mansio, Following the hadith is to follow the Quran, as Allah says in the Quran to accept whatever the Prophet Muhammed [sm] says and to follow him, and the hadiths are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed [sm]. Hadiths are also the 'interpretation' of the Quran. PEACE.
  7. F

    Question Regarding All Religions.

    Greetings Wil, :) Allah orders the Angel to write down our destiny as Allah allready knows what we will do on earth, and what will happen to us in the hereafter. Other verses of the Quran, and hadiths makes it clear that the good works of the sincere do not go to waste, so the people who...
  8. F

    Question Regarding All Religions.

    And here's some Quranic evidence: :) In Surah Al-Bakarah, verse, 255, Allah says: "...He [Allah] knows what will happen to them [His creatures] in this world and what will happen to them in the Hereafter, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what he will...". Salaam. :)
  9. F

    Question Regarding All Religions.

    Salaam Freethinker, I think the following Hadith is what your looking for: From Abu Abdurahmaan, Abdullah Ibn Masu [ra] , there is that he said: "The Messenger of Allah [sm] told us - and he is the truthfull one who is confirmed - "Any one of you, his creation is gathered in the belly of his...
  10. F

    I need to verify something......

    Salaam Freethinker, I think the Imaam might have got the story slightly wrong, or you might have misheard. The story actually goes that the Jews were forbidden from working on their Sabbath day [saturday] and a group of Jews thought they will trick Allah by casting their nets on a saturday...
  11. F

    Why would a God who is perfect create an imperfect world?

    hi Ali, i believe that this creation is perfect and that all the bad is due to mankinds [and jins] sins. it is we who are responsible for the pollution of the ozone etc, and that fits into the equation of perfect as it will be unperfect for us not to suffer consequences of our evil and...