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  1. G

    Elizabeth Clair Prophet

    St. G looked better when he carried a bit more weight, in his Court of Louis days. Listening to much of the stuff channelled out there, has anyone else noticed that a lot of channellers went to the Criswell* School of Declamatory Oration? I tend to find the actual content of much...
  2. G

    Buddhism and Nazi Heraldry. WHAT?!?

    Within limits, the symbol was within their 'culture' or rather what they chose to see as their culture. The sign of thor was a widdershins hooked cross (swa-swastika) In many respects it was other cultures that imposed the idendity swastika on the symbol used, especially the British with their...
  3. G

    Buddhism and Nazi Heraldry. WHAT?!?

    Erm, I beg to differ. In terms of engineering Zeitgeist, the Nazis were very, very clever. They used commonly recognised sybols and idea and wrapped a lie in the thruth to make a new folklore, that would have become a pretty upleasant, albeit successful, religion. As much as one abhors their...
  4. G

    Buddhism and Nazi Heraldry. WHAT?!?

    If I recall correctrly, the swa-swastika (the anti clock wise swastika) was used pretty freely in hindu decorative and ceremonial art as well as the swastika, but the Bonpo of Tibet ONLY use the swa-swastika, where as the Buddhist swastika is always clock-wise (as the name implies, it not having...
  5. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    And the moral of the story, when dealing with a**holes, a good right and a straight left can resolve many disputes ;¬) Very like the philosophy of my late father... who was also a craftsman welder (normal steels, special steels, Mag-Al alloys) Despite the fact he teneded to use his fists to...
  6. G

    Polytheism and Hinduism

    since I'm studying ayurveda, with a view to practicing the art, I've spent some time studying vedic thought. It seems to me, poor scholar I am, that certainly there is a disjoint in terminology between western and eastern vocab. the 'gods' of the hindhu faith seem a direct corollory of 'saints'...
  7. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    the trilogy 'Power vs force' , 'The Eye of the I' and 'I' are the only part of his opus I've read, but I beleive that it covers the bulk of his ideas. As to 'dealing' with the 'tactics of legalism'... no idea, my friend. I think if someone COULD find a global appraoch it would stem more than...
  8. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    Very good sense, Q
  9. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    Ah, the old enemy anger. No, I'm not angered by it, simply saddened. For a parallel break down to the steps of evolution, I would refer you to the works of David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph. D., who arrived at very similar conclusions by independent means. Understanding why people do what they do...
  10. G

    Which Disciple?

    I seem to follow the path of it varies based on where I am in my life. Anyone else care to admit to Judas more than once? 2003 was my time to stand outside Gethsemene, waiting for the soldiers to come and be guided. Very dark time.
  11. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    Pathless, In an ideal world, I would agree that most of what has been said is true. However, we don't live there. Looking at the vituperation people WILL and DO hand out while proclaiming their own holiness, and the inherent superiority of their path, based on what is possibly a mild criticism...
  12. G

    Humility and Humiliation

    One of the problems with faith is that, like any belief, it is opinion based on sentiment, not on logic. In any discussion of 'comparative faith' one will find folk long on faith, and short on comparison. The nature of the beast. Faith is a complex thing ,tied closely to one's identity...
  13. G

    False prophets.....

    Dumb question of the day from a Methodist layman. If you've not read the book, you can't base a judgement. Its like basing one's opinion of the NT on the actions of the Salem Witchfinders. Or the Crusaders, or... fill in the blank. just my twoponnoth, since most Islamics I know regard a lot of...