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  1. Archimedes


    So, does anybody believe in the possibility of achieving a utopic society? Is a social or societal utopia achievable? Describe your thoughts here whether they be pro or con.
  2. Archimedes

    Pagan Organization

    I am all for getting in touch with nature and the divine but there are practical issues concerning the surviving of the daily throes of civilization. Competition is a part of life and those who cannot compete with larger groups end up on extincted ruins of former past history. I am not...
  3. Archimedes

    Jesus son of Krishna?

    Which worshipped deity is older historically, Jesus or Krishna?
  4. Archimedes

    Pagan Organization

    I would like to keep the discussion on topic and on point. Perhaps that question can be asked in another thread.
  5. Archimedes

    Pagan Organization

    And I am saying it is being that unorganized which is paganism's inherent weakness. For me I think the answer is that we pagans need to create our own seperate societies as vessels to preserve our traditions. Another inherent weakness in paganism is that as individuals we are more spread out...
  6. Archimedes

    Pagan Organization

    One of the things that bothers me with paganism and modern day pagans is a lack of cohesive organization in comparison to other world beliefs. It should be obvious that as a revival of once thought as extincted religions that a community effort definitely becomes necessary, but not just any...
  7. Archimedes

    Why Neo-Paganism?

    I look at all gods and demi gods as different facets of an all encompassing power that binds the cosmos as expressed in the belief of panentheism. I particularly like Greek paganism largely because I like a great deal of ancient Greek literature, poetry,history, philosophy, art, and culture...
  8. Archimedes

    Greek Pagan Reconstructionism

    I am interested in Greek pagan reconstructionism. If anybody has any input, links, information, or opinions on the subject I would like to hear about them in this thread.