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  1. habibi2000

    Going Mystic

    The journey in becoming a Mystic is the same as growing old and philosophical! So what is your theory on becoming a Mystic....
  2. habibi2000

    Sex outside of marriage?

    I would have to say a piece of paper does not make a marriage, what makes a marriage is two people who are commited to their relationship and one another. In the case of sex out side of marriage I think it has it's place, however I believe each party of the union must understand their...
  3. habibi2000

    My Inter Faith Call to JIhad (Edited version)

    Glad I could clear up some of the confusion.... There are many approaches, just trying to figure out which one will be the best in the long run....
  4. habibi2000

    My Inter Faith Call to JIhad (Edited version)

    Interesting about being Buddhist idea, yes one could say that. As for the other we are all intitled to our opinions. At the root of all this I simply believe that we are all major stake holders in the World and in the spiritual world. I believe that we can and do make a difference and...
  5. habibi2000

    My Inter Faith Call to JIhad (Edited version)

    To alieviate any confusion I am the same person as amlhabibi2000 I forgot my password and my old email does not work any more because I changed servers. I want to say I do not force my beliefs on anyone. I suggest reading the information on my web pages to clear up any confusion. Yes...