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  1. R

    Does God really exist?

    So, then you can't choose to believe things.
  2. R

    Does God really exist?

    Because, in order for something to be a choice, there has to be at least 2 options from which to select and each one has to be able to be selected. If only one of them can be selected, then there is no choice involved.
  3. R

    Does God really exist?

    So, you can't consciously choose to believe things as you seemed to be saying in your post #356.
  4. R

    Does God really exist?

    So, does that mean that you weren't able to engender a belief in the existence of leprechauns?
  5. R

    Does God really exist?

    I wonder if you might demonstrate your ability. Maybe you could use something like leprechauns to demonstrate your technique. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a leprechaun is "a fairy peculiar to Ireland, who appeared in the form of an old man of minute stature, wearing a cocked hat...
  6. R

    Does God really exist?

    No. I have never been able to consciously choose any of the beliefs that I have.
  7. R

    Does God really exist?

    Sorry, since "belief" is mentioned a number of times in the topic I thought it might go here.
  8. R

    Does God really exist?

    Can a belief about someone or something be consciously chosen?
  9. R

    Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

    Lum - Where is the first cigarette mentioned in the Bible? Abner - I don't know. Lum - In Genesis where it says that Rebekah lit off a camel.
  10. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    Perhaps someone new visiting this topic may know of examples.
  11. R

    Maundy Thursday

    And because of that, this topic doesn't apply to you. But perhaps someone new looking in may have the information.
  12. R

    Maundy Thursday

    You say, "no". I'm getting confused here. First let me say that this topic is based on the idea that a calendar day is defined as a period of time between sunsets. So, let's try this - Thursday I Friday I Saturday /xxxxxxxoooooo/xxxxxxxoooooo/xxxxxxxoooooo/...
  13. R

    Maundy Thursday

    So, you're saying that it occurred during the night time at the beginning of Thursday?
  14. R

    Maundy Thursday

    Does anyone who is familiar with Maundy Thursday, the day during Holy Week which commemorates the last supper of the Messiah with the apostles know what part of Thursday that this took place - during the night time at the beginning of Thursday, or during the daytime toward the end of Thursday?
  15. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    OK, I think I see what the problem is here. I'm talking the OP's issue (as clarified in subsequent posts) and Thomas is referring to off- topic issues.
  16. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    Where did I ask anyone that?
  17. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    You wrote that I am 'flogging a dead horse' with that argument. I didn't know what argument you were talking about. I asked if you might explain. To that you say "no". It leaves me with asking if there a particular reason why you won't explain.
  18. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    To what argument are you referring? The only possible argument that I see would be whether or not any examples provided are actually examples.
  19. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    But was there no part of a night time involved? Or was there no part of a daytime involved?
  20. R

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    Likewise, that would be an issue for a different topic. Maybe you and Thomas can get together and come up with a new one.