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  1. LuciaStar

    Your God/Goddess

    I can't find any legitimate sources on Lucifel. Can you at all provide any? I run into anime/manga or places that mention the name but never give any information whatsoever. I know Lucifer is/can be associated with Venus, whom is a Goddess and I know this because of Lucifer being a...
  2. LuciaStar

    Ask a Theistic Luciferian

    Hello! And yes to both. I rely on the texts as much as I would rely on any mythology for any god I happen to approach or feel drawn to: To try to learn a bit about their mythology and gain an understand of the deity. However, that's a lot more easier to do with Greek deities than Lucifer. :p...
  3. LuciaStar

    Ask a Theistic Luciferian

    Well... I believe the mythology and stories behind them like I do with any mythology and stories behind a god. Believe in this case is more like 'This is how they are seen and conceived in their respective religion and/or pantheon/This is what mythologically makes sense in their respective...
  4. LuciaStar

    Ask a Theistic Luciferian

    Hmmm, are you asking who is God to me? If so, well... God, to me, is the creator of Lucifer and the angels but I'm not sure if I really believe he created the world. I don't put much stock on creation myths as being literal truth (or most mythology, at that), and the Bible isn't exempt from...
  5. LuciaStar

    Ask a Theistic Luciferian

    I'm going to put myself on the spotlight and I hope it's okay if I do this. :) So, um, ask me somethings and I'll try to answer them. Keep in mind whatever I answer doesn't reflect all Luciferians in a whole because we're pretty diverse in our views and beliefs, though we do share common views...
  6. LuciaStar

    Your God/Goddess

    I'm not really Pagan anymore but I think I can still contribute to this thread. My primary deity right now is Lucifer. It's a rather long story how that happened but I'll try to make it as short as possible: When I was fifteen, I had an interest in the series the Vampire Chronicles (by Anne...
  7. LuciaStar

    The Belief O Matic

    Secular Humanism (100%) Unitarian Universal (90%) Non-Theist (85%) Liberal Quaker (72%) (Wait what) Annnd at the bottom I got Jehovah's Witness at 0%.
  8. LuciaStar


    Thank you! I'm a huge fan of Pokemon and I'm super super excited for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I played RSE a lot when they were out, so I'm excited to see old and new content and concepts!! :p Thank you to you too! And have you? Also, I'll try to give some interesting thoughts out...
  9. LuciaStar


    Hi, I'm LuciaStar! How are you folks, today? I sometimes call myself a theistic Luciferian, though I think it may be more accurate to say that I am a non-Pagan with LHP philosophies that reveres and/or worships Lucifer (if the word gives you a better idea of what I mean, anyways). I do, though...