To this believers eyes and ears you are a breath of fresh air and proof that Dawkins and his unsophisticated, boneheaded ilk do not have a monopoly on Atheism!
Here's a comparison to the KJV (my copy).
Proverbs 2:10-11
KJV: When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:
Aramaic Translation:
10. Whereas wisdom shall enter into your heart, and...
I found this great website while looking for the best translation of The Bible. Great stuff.:)
Aramaic Bible, Disciples New Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Jonah, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Malachi.
Peace, Love, And Light.
Sorry, I just don't see God or Allah sending someone with a good heart to hell because of their beliefs. That being said, I want to share a few quotes that relate to this thread.
"Be tolerant to be tolerated." Prophet Muhammad (s) as narrated in Ahmad B. Hanbal, Musnad 1/248.
"...and nearest...
Sorry, I just don't see God or Allah sending someone with a good heart to hell because of their beliefs. That being said, I want to share a few quotes that relate to this thread.
"Be tolerant to be tolerated." Prophet Muhammad (s) as narrated in Ahmad B. Hanbal, Musnad 1/248.
Asalamu aleykum to all the Muslims on the boards (i'm not Muslim btw). I saw these great videos of The Hajj on you and found them moving and beautiful. I thought you might enjoy them seeing as not every Muslim gets the chance to go. Enjoy.:)
Hajj 2013 - 1434 {ALL clip in one} full HD -...
I've thought about this a lot because I've had many times where I woke up feeling like my soul slammed back into my body. I believe I was astral projecting (although I've never said it publicly until now for fear of sounding crazy and I don't remember seeing anything).:)
As always Peace...
I liked his book "Sins Of Scripture". Also, I've seen some cool videos of seminars he gave on youtube. He seems like my kind of former Catholic Bishop. He questions things!
Here's some great clips from youtube.
For Wil.
And little romance.
I have to disagree with you on Elaine Pagels, Thomas. Here's a few videos on Christian Gnosticism.
Secrets of Kabbalah - Documentary - YouTube
Secret Quest Part 2: Wisdom of the Gnostic Gospels - YouTube
Have any of you read "The Prophet" or any other works by Kahlil Gibran? I love "The Prophet". Here's a great quote I found.
God made Truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them.
As always. Peace, Love, and Light.:)
I believe it's to experience emotion. God is all knowing but not all experiencing. That's what we are. We're the experiencing side of God. Think about it. Anytime we go through any major drama in life we always
come out better, stronger, and wiser. The pearl is the knowledge of emotion. Just my...
Here's the relevant portion of an article on Christian Gnosticism.
Part One: The Emanant Spark
In order to discover why Gnosticism was considered a threat to incipient orthodoxy, it is necessary to understand whatthe earliest Christians believed. First, a little definition is in order. I...
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