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  1. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    Do you believe these fears are instinctual or stem from other means?
  2. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    Nah, it's fine. Meditation has actually helped me a lot. I used to be Catholic and thought the idea was silly when I was younger. I became Hindu years later after being inbetween faiths and realized how helpful the practice is for me. If all else fails, I also have pills I can and do take...
  3. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

  4. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I'm not sure what you're saying, but I do like your username.
  5. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I'm glad there's no problem. I ask why because I support science and humanity would never have progressed anywhere if we never asked why. There's always why, just sometimes it isn't known yet. There's nothing wrong with not knowing. I was just wondering if you knew the reason why you felt...
  6. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I agree. My grandmother died on hospice. after she passed, I felt relieved because I knew she only wanted to die at that point. I felt happy and never cried after her death, despite how close we were. I even smiled. I was just genuinely happy that she was okay now. I usually don't go to...
  7. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I did not say it always lead to fear. also, there is always a why. always. Behaviors may be learned, mimicked, assumed, but there is a why. It is your choice whether or not you'd ever want to discover why you feel a certain way. However, "I just do," does mean that you do not know. I'm not...
  8. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    hahaha I suppose that's true!
  9. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    What about those that fear death due to fearing the future of humanity? Death is always hard. It's devastating quite honestly. However, thinking of things like reincarnation or heaven give a much kinder light to the entire experience. :)
  10. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    This is true. Change is usually regarded as a terrible misfortune at first, instead of good. That was an excellent answer. Thank you for sharing your opinions with us!
  11. Emi

    My Religious Experience - Christianity and Islam.

    It is my pleasure.
  12. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    anxiety is related to fear and often leads to it. There is a reason why you fear this, or have anxiety to it, you just do not know what it is yet.
  13. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    For the majority of people, the fear of death tends to stem from instinctual and emotional fears. It also includes the general fear of the unknown, but that tends to be on the minor side--though not any less significant. I personally do not fear death in terms of not knowing what will happen...
  14. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I myself hold a more animistic and atheistic view of death. I believe we go back into the Earth and are broken down and reused. Our divinity simply joins with another source. That is my belief. Other Havists support reincarnation though and I think it is certainly a comforting and positive...
  15. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    No, I mean 'we' as the general mindset of humanity. Note that by general, I certainly do not mean anyone. But the general mindset is what makes me ask this question. What are your beliefs of death? Why do you fear it or why do you not?
  16. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    I do not know how much of our fear is instinctual or derives from our own sentience. We fear in general things like not being remembered, not being able to witness something, worrying about the future without us, etc. These fears I believe have ties with sentience, but then there are fears such...
  17. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    Other than cetaceans, no, there aren't. Death is an abstract concept, and one of the known qualities of sentience is the understanding of an abstract concept. However, observed behaviors in animals shows that they hold fear in situations that may cause their death, making the fear of death or...
  18. Emi

    My Religious Experience - Christianity and Islam.

    Hello Nikki. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this lovely story with all of us. Like you, I have also experienced many languages and cultures and know it is a very opening and moving emotional, spiritual, and physical experience. I hope you embrace this love with all of...
  19. Emi

    In Regards to Fear

    Unfortunately, this thread will not debate evolution. While replying, this thread will consider evolution as concrete and non-speculative. Please keep this in mind. How much of the fear of death do you think is instinctual? all multi-cellular life can feel fear on a fundamental level. Each...
  20. Emi

    Still around?

    Welcome back! I'm new here, but I am glad you've returned :)