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  1. L

    God's Pillar of fire.

    Astrophysicist Donald Menzel of Harvard once suggested that the pillar of fire of the OT was nothing more than a sun pillar (a mirage made by the sun's reflection). Does such a suggestion have any plausibility? Why or why not?
  2. L

    Super intelligent beings.

    Introductory sections of many Meteorology texts will briefly note that explaining meteorological phenomena by appeal to gods, angles, or spirits had to be given up before a science of meteorology could develop. Alternately, it is said that using supernatural (intelligent superhuman agency)...
  3. L

    Presence of God in science

    Clouds at the tops of mountains are a common natural phenomenon arising from either orographic lifting or volcanic activity. "Nephele" is the name of a Greek deity but also means "cloud". A cloud enveloped the top of Mt. Sinai during the Sinitic theophany and a cloud enveloped the "Mount of...