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  1. R

    Apologies for the downtime

    Is anybody else unable to access IO on their phone, or is it just me? I'm able to access RF and other similar XenForo forums, but not IO ...
  2. R

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    Just for interest sake -- do the Baha'i consider Adam to have been an actual living individual human being? The first man?
  3. R

    Apologies for the downtime

    These extensive downtimes during the previous two days seem to have affected the US more than the UK. Anyway, apologies. We're doing all we can to keep IO up and running
  4. R

    Apologies for the downtime

    I'm often experiencing problems getting IO on my phone, but perhaps it's just my (not recent) phone or the reception problems here in the rural outback of deepest Devon. For instance I cannot get the page to load at the moment, although it's all fine on the PC ...
  5. R

    Apologies for the downtime

    Thank you @iBrian Please do not apologize IO was down this time for less than 24 hours. Having recently moved servers after the disaster with Westhost, at no cost, and thanks to Brian's hosting offer and many unbilled professional hours of work to make the change, it's really been relatively...
  6. R

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    A wonderful read
  7. R

    What music are you listening to?

    That video is not available in the UK
  8. R

    What Does My Angel Number Mean?

    Hi and welcome to the forums. I'm sorry your second post landed late. The glitch has been sorted out and so it won't happen again. Do you want the second post, which is a repeat, or would you like it removed? Hopefully someone will have more about angel numbers. In the meantime would you be...
  9. R

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    Is @moralorel not basing his comments on the Quran and Hadith? It's said the victor writes the history, after all?
  10. R

    Seneca (4 bce - 65 ce)

    Is the gratitude always towards human beings -- which would seem a natural return for benefits received from others -- or is there a sense of gratitude towards a higher power?
  11. R

    Seneca (4 bce - 65 ce)

    @JackWinchester Apologies that your post was delayed publication. The glitch has been resolved and so It won't happen again
  12. R


    "... In realm of ORIANO, I propose that ideals hold certain actuality because they not confined to intangible domains of thought alone. We can see ideals as architects of reality, blueprints upon which edifice of existence constructed. Ideal, properly conceived and embraced, has power to shape...
  13. R


    Can you perhaps boil it down to a few sentences for folks here -- to encourage reading through the material you've linked?
  14. R

    Apologies for the downtime

    Well if anyone puts out the challenge to refute Garaffa's windy, badly written, biased and inaccurate articles -- the first challenge must be to actually read them all the way through, lol. However, having to host them is a small price to pay for having the website back up and running, imo...
  15. R

    Favorite Bible Quotes

    Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7
  16. R

    Individual vs. Standard Prayer

    In the case of the Catholic church, it is the monks who have preserved the Gospels and New Testament writings for 2000 years until the advent of the printing press, with Martin Luther and new Protestant churches. The New Testament writings are the shell of the nut, and the traditional church...
  17. R

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Yup. 'Inflation' is a band-aid and everyone knows it, lol
  18. R

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Well, it's accepted by physics that the cause of the Big Bang isn't determined. So there's nothing to be taken on faith. Problem would be to reject the possibility of design. It's undetermined. Imo Scientific atheism isn't positioned to make declarations about first cause?
  19. R

    Stumbling off the path.....

    There is zero evidence what caused the Big Bang. Just speculation
  20. R

    Individual vs. Standard Prayer

    Catholic monks follow a similar pattern, with prescribed readings of the Psalms, and also personal prayer. The daily Mass is also prescribed, with the same words and readings in every Catholic church anywhere in the world for the day