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  1. P


    Beta 6 coming this week. :)
  2. P

    Catholic Pedophiles Offer $55 Million

    Bunch of victims now coming forward to say that 55M isn't enough.
  3. P

    Nessie doesn't exist!

    The Lake Champlain 'monster' is called "Champ" LoL. I've never believed it was real. I'm not surprised by the "Nessie" findings, or lack of findings, either. OTOH, part of me thinks it would be pretty cool to actually find such a creature living in the big lakes.
  4. P

    Catholic Pedophiles Offer $55 Million

    Just thought I'd mention this for anyone that was interested in the terrible issue of pedophile priests here in the New England Catholic Church. There's a new bishop here in Boston, Sean O'Malley, and it appears that he's going to start taking steps toward settling this issue. So far, from...
  5. P

    When does a baby count as a living being?

    BTW, congratulations for the pregnancy. :D
  6. P

    When does a baby count as a living being?

    Good way to dance around the abortion issue. To me, the most logical answer is that we count as humans when we can survive outside of the womb. However, the issue is far too complicated for any one-liner answer to do justice. A hundred years ago, for example, the point which a fetus could...