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  1. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Evolution is Unscientific

    And your proof of this?
  2. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Of course you're not . . .
  3. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Still ignoring scientific facts and adhering to some unproven Sky Daddy myth? Cells began adhering to each other, creating cell groups that have a higher survival rate, partly because it's harder for predators to kill a group of cells than a single cell...
  4. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    Failing is not considered a positive measure by most logical people . . .
  5. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    You're the one that proposed the "He" . . . if there's any Syllogistic Reasoning it's yours.
  6. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    True, you cannot prove a negative, however, it is up to the claimant to PROVE. Logic is the systematic study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It involves the analysis of arguments, identifying patterns of reasoning that lead to correct conclusions and...
  7. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Natural Selection does not need Genetic Drift to introduce new traits, but the two processes can interact in complex ways to shape the genetic landscape of a population. For natural selection to act, there must be genetic variation within a population. This variation can arise through mutations...
  8. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    No, it's quite simple just as I explained it. That's why there are Christian Apologetics and Muslim Hadiths so they can attempt to make sense of senseless scripture (aka Word of God).
  9. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    That's funny coming from someone who follows a religion that they can't even confirm is the word of their god. Nice try . . .
  10. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    "Texts need not be taken literally, word-for-word, as they are not necessarily meant to be taken in that context." And why not? Surely an omniscient, omnipotent god would have transcended any confusion between ages and His Word would be perfect no matter who read it or when.
  11. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    No, they're not. Either scripture is the Word of God and must be followed to the letter, or it is not the Word of God and is simply man-made dogma. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
  12. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    Then why have the Quran if it is meaningless and not the word of Allah?
  13. 'Amir Alzzalam

    Muslim Reformers

    If you're not following the 'Word' of Allah, then you are not following Islam. Call it anything other than Islam/Muslim.
  14. 'Amir Alzzalam

    What music are you listening to?

    Diabolus en Musiqa https%3A//'][/URL]
  15. 'Amir Alzzalam

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    The concept of messianic figures in Jewish history is fascinating, especially when considering Jesus (Yeshua). Scholar Bart Ehrman eloquently points out that for most Jews, the idea of Jesus as the Messiah was laughable. He was powerless and met a humiliating end through crucifixion by the...
  16. 'Amir Alzzalam


    The invention of Dualism and thus the beginning of the End in religious philosophy.
  17. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    Deleted my comment, upon re-reading it I found it unnecessary and cruel.
  18. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    Word Salad . . . dropping too many names to make your sound legit . . . just BS
  19. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    One's Isolate Consciousness would indeed be isolate. This is the premise behind the GodSelf and there not being some kind of Supreme Being or One Consciousness of which we are all an emanation of.
  20. 'Amir Alzzalam

    There is no proof of God ...

    "we started" . . . who is 'we'?