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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    I am surprised! That you don’t care!
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    It’s not a mystery! It’s a misconception taken from St Paul’s version of interpretation…At Garden of Gethsemane the prayers were to save from accursed death…He said “Take this cup away from me”…so God sent and angel to strengthen him…of what?… to be confident that whatsoever trial he will...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    @RJM, While reading both scriptures, I observed, Quran rejects an “accursed death” of a person who is Holy, Pious and close to God Almighty (I am talking about Jesus pbuh)…but you are proving from Bible that Jesus had an accursed death…which is your interpretation, Bible also supports that he...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    @RJM, We all know Wikipedia can not be authentic, there are anonymous writers, let that be as it is…the scriptures are considered as authentic so let focus on scripture as i said earlier and is not a bad idea…you agree? My simple question was…if someone claim that it was someone else nailed on...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Why do you need to delete my phrase? This is a scholarly discussion and I am giving my thoughts with proofs and evidence for the audience to verify and validate the point. There could be thousands different viewpoints in Wikipedia…lets just put aside and focus on the scripture only as that is...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Brothers, in the verse “Allah raised him up unto Himself” …here, is there any word “Alive or earthly body” mentioned? So we can believe that Jesus was taken up to heaven alive and with earthly body?
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    There are more than 30 evidences from Bible itself to prove that Jesus did not die on the cross, but he survived the accursed death which Jews tried to accomplish, but God is powerful than anyone/anything…God protected his prophet as per his promise to Jesus which Jesus himself prophesied by...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Humbly asking, please show the verse from Quran where it is written, Jesus was raised to heaven alive (with earthly body)? And where it is written he will return back from HEAVEN? And where it is written he will be buried alongside Mohammad (PBUH)? My desire is to prove where the...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    Yes, a man can do such things only by the command of God, not by his own power…Bible says in many places “by the command of God”…and Quran says with further clarity that…they (all prophets) all are servant of God, human and they have no power to do miracles unless God do by using them…miracles...
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    Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death.

    I think, what you wrote about Islamic perspective is the belief evolved with a misunderstanding, on the contrary, Quran declares more than 30 verses where it is clear that Jesus died a natural death, no human can go up to heaven alive, every human must face death, etc etc. important suggestion...