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  1. G

    What book are you reading at the moment?

    Currently reading 'The Witches of Chiswick' by Robert Rankin and the Tibetan Book Of Living & Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. Incidentally, if any Pratchett/Adams fans haven't discovered Robert Rankin yet, please do!
  2. G

    "Bloodline of the Grail"

    I thought it was 'borrowed' from the Egyptians when Moses made his exodus ... or maybe that was Yaweh. I seem to remember that one of these terms was corruption of the term for the Egyptian war god, although without looking it up I can't remember off hand.
  3. G

    "Bloodline of the Grail"

    Thanks for the welcome! 'War With Hannibal' is an excellent read, if a bit preoccupied with military tactics. Sort of a cross between a novel, a history book and a Sandhurst study text!
  4. G

    "Bloodline of the Grail"

    I'd have to agree with you there. I read that a while back and was unimpressed by the leaps they made from conjecture to so-called proof. Then again, there is a school of thought that says The New Testament is written in a similar manner, being as it is St Paul's particular version of events...