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  1. Yahweh kid

    Did Jesus rise from the death?

    I believe there are testimonies from witnesses that Jesus rose from the death.... Jesus’ tomb was empty on the first Easter Day and Jesus appeared alive to many people after his death. I guess you can deny these testimonies, but I don't believe a person will die for a false testimony , so it...
  2. Yahweh kid

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Evolution = I agree, it is not scientific.;)
  3. Yahweh kid

    Evolution is Unscientific

    If that gives you peace I am happy for you.
  4. Yahweh kid

    On Demons

  5. Yahweh kid

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Evolution is a faith. Just one of the thousands of faiths. If there is an eternity, I would like to be in the right place after this life.... is there such thing as spirits? if so I believe there is an afterlife and that these spirits are not the result of evolution but creation. Just my...
  6. Yahweh kid

    On Demons

    I don't know whether your ideas are exactly what demons are, but I have spoken to people where demons pushed them against the ceiling, pull their duvet off their bed, let a person play a piano like a professional even though this person cannot play piano.... I do not consider that...
  7. Yahweh kid

    Respectful dialogue about Jesus.

    You are blessed! Fasting is to say no to the flesh. Romans 8 speaks about this.
  8. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    I understand, I will not be posting here anymore. All the best....
  9. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Is science really a pillar of truth? Does scientist always get it right or do they change their minds in cases? "Ooops, I was wrong.....:eek:" To place our trust in imperfect scientists is wise?
  10. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    I believe there is nothing wrong with planning.....saving, etc. The heavenly kingdom is where my Father reside, my Creator. a Holy place where sin has no part in our eternal life.
  11. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Animals live day to day without considering an afterlife..... ALMOST like Atheists. ;) Jesus did teach that we should live our lives as if every day can be our last day..... "here today and gone tomorrow." but it is not worldly riches we should pursue, but rather the Kingdom of God(eternal...
  12. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” Jesus lived a simple life....
  13. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Nice pic..... your cat must be very curious? Our 4 cats do the same....;)
  14. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    No. Jesus did not die to save animals..... In my opinion, animals do not have any faith in a god and do not believe in an afterlife at all.... only lives from day to day, almost like atheists...:D God created man in His own image, not there must a difference between man and beast. No?
  15. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Do we have a soul? Is there more to us/man or are we just animals?
  16. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    That's a good thing.... :D
  17. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Yeah, even majority Hinduism will not go by what I say. Old superstitions cannot be put away easily. It was hard for me too. If there is no evidence, how can you know it is false?
  18. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    I am not suggesting anything....I am only asking a question.
  19. Yahweh kid

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Is the afterlife true or false? Do you have any proof? I don't. That is why I have Faith in Jesus Christ...who do you have faith in?