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    Fluffy Bunnies

    I find it terribly sad, and a reflection of the reasons for the current state of the world, that anyone finds it necessary to demean another person with such derrogatory terms. It matters not what their reasons for being there are, we should all just live and let live. I have never heard anyone...
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    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    I, personally, see the God and Goddess as being representative of the divine in each and every one of us. However, to answer your question, beliefs regarding the divine among Wiccans, solitary and coven, are many and varied. Some are even atheists, so no doubt there will be those who consider...
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    Damned Don't Cry

    I personally have seen no evidence that there are larger numbers of gay/transgender people within the Wiccan/pagan groups of which I am a part than there are in wider society. The people who really are in large numbers within these groups are women in their middle years, and also to a lesser...
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    Hello Everybody

    BTW, my father's family emigrated to Australia from Yorkshire in the mid 1800s.
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    Hello Everybody

    I like reading all of it. Have you read 'The Year 1000' by Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger? It is a social history of life in England around the turn of the first millenium. I devoured it in a night.I now have Robert Lacey's two follow up books: 'Great Tales from English History - Cheddar Man to...
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    Drugs and spirituality

    Hi all. I have read through much of this thread, but not all of it. So excuse me if I repeat something someone else said. I can see the above statement from two points of view (part of my counselling training was the ability to be able to put myself at different points of view in order to be...
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    Isn't beleif in God overrated?

    Hi Starship, what you are looking for is proof, not truth. Truth is a very subjective thing, that is it depends upon your point of view whether or not something is a truth. If truth were one and the same thing for each and every one of us, then we would not be having this conversation. And...
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    Isn't beleif in God overrated?

    Okay, now I'm going to put my stick in the spokes of this wheel. I am a pagan, and I believe in the divine inherent in each and every one of us. I believe that we very much underrate ourselves and our own spark of divinity and that is why we, as human beings, often behave so arrogantly. We try...
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    Hello Everybody

    Hi, I Brian. All of British History, but in particular the period from about 1000AD to 1500AD. I'm no expert, but I do love reading anything I can get my hands on about it, including fiction set in medieval times. My very favourite author is Sharon Penman, and I also have enjoyed a number of...
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    Hello Everybody

    Hello. I'm Uriella and I am a 40 year old Wiccan. My interests include Reiki (I'm attuned to level 1), Astrology, Philosophy and British History. Look forward to getting to know some of you better.:)