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  1. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    Right. I guess I’d agree that, while G-d could exist outside of the observable universe, we can only make observations of what is perceivable so we only experience G-d as a part of the universe?
  2. F

    The Fine Structure Constant

    Whoa! Super fascinating, thanks for posting.
  3. F


    Chag Purim Sameach! They tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat!
  4. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    That is definitely the question. I suppose in comparison to the rest of the universe. By observation - at least from what we can tell so far - the universe is empty of life. Earth is not. What’s more, not only is there life, but this life is conscious (humans) and can ponder its own existence...
  5. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    Entropy has always been a big one for me as well. Everything just seems too perfect.
  6. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    I think it’s at least very similar. I think force implies action and interaction, whereas a principle seems more conceptual in nature.
  7. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    I believe you are correct that Mordecai Kaplan was no mystic. I see most of his work as being dedicated to “rethinking” Judaism to make it relevant in the modern world. I’ll be the first to admit that I often have a hard time understanding what Kaplan means. But the way I understand it, Kaplan...
  8. F

    Gd as ordering force in the Universe

    This subject came up during my introduction and it was suggested I start a thread on the subject. 2 months later and I finally got around to it, haha. I was introduced to thinking of Gd as force rather than as entity as articulated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan in various corners of the web. I...
  9. F

    Hello all!

    Haha, I’ve never been able to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up (still don’t). I was a dual major.
  10. F

    Clarification on Jewish Temple Faith, please

    Not sure. I didn’t say they were half brothers, I was quoting the OP.
  11. F

    Hello all!

    I’d love to!
  12. F

    Clarification on Jewish Temple Faith, please

    Im new here and I’m totally not the best source, but I will attempt an answer. During the late Temple period, just prior to the Roman destruction, as I understand; in Israel was the tribe of Judah, half of the tribe of Levi (the other half having gone into exile with the other tribes), and the...
  13. F

    Hello all!

    I’m happy to be here! From browsing the forum, I see a lot of interesting topics. I joined several weeks ago but I’m just now sitting down to write my introduction. Let me start by explaining where I’m coming from. I was born a Jew (by lineage) but raised as an evangelical Christian. Growing...