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  1. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Hi I am going to try and anwer all in one post. Left with more people following The Shepherd (Light) instead of a religion (enlightenment) I guess? Ask the Father (and not the father) to remove your hearts of stone for a heart of flesh you will understand. I used to think that believing and...
  2. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    The vatican only allow twice yearly visits and not all text are accessible. Mattithayu is know for being written in Hebrew Regarding other texts look on for more proof of Hebrew hidden in the text. The words Ba'al and Gd are right next to each other in the Hebrew...
  3. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    ...can you not see it? It is ingrained into us and we can be free to serve One Master. Re-Read From the Ruach as the Ruach speaks what the Father says. Getting understanding from scholars leads to death. We are supposed to be using One source, it is through religion our eyes gets taken off of...
  4. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Thank you. Assumptions cannot be taken as fact though and I trust in the Yahusha's words that the law and prophets are until Yochanan. He commanded the disciples to go and proclaim the Joyful Message and teach people to obey the Commandments. There rest is the work of the Helper sent to do just...
  5. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Not per se but questioning the validity of the Messiah is not the same as a self-proclaiming prophet. I understand your reasoning though. I am sorry and take it back as it is said in line with the discussion. With that said. Discrediting Acts 29 but believing Paul's beheading from other sources...
  6. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Be it as it may. Reverence, or the lack thereof, is also showing. I used to be under that curse myself.
  7. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Again, we will go round and round in circles "discussing" this as we will end up going through all of his writings. As I said before. Go and test ALL words (from the first to the last) of Paul's letters and compare it with those of The Word. I must thank you for this discussion though as I have...
  8. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Did you just compare the Messiah with Paul? I guess rhetoric is a powerful tool.
  9. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    "Lord Gd" means Baal. They did not divide they entered the promised land and had to remove the threats that were standing in the way of the salvation of all creation. Not sure why the question? A problem with the methods of The Creator? Or saying that He came to start a religion?
  10. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Where is it? Would be good to know. Same applies to Hebrew. El is not uniquely Hebrew – pagan gods were called El. True. Just like elohim also refers to the "gods" "God" on the other hand is in Scripture and relates to Baal. Isa 65:11 “But you are those who forsake יהוה, who forget My...
  11. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Does not matter how it is used in context. To try to remove the reverence of the most High and support it is a dangerous game. Yes there is more to the Greek and it puts people on a ship to Tarshish. If you look at your avatar. What do you think Ie-ohannes mean? Maybe got something to do with...
  12. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    I agree with the first. I understand it differently as you cannot try and compare the Ruach of The Creator to a "spiritus" Nephesh = life/soul Ruach = Essence which is not just thought so cannot be limited to Mind. Neshamah = breath
  13. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    I'd say "evidence" of Rosicrucianism was founded long after Luther's death but not that it matters as the Creator is clear about the practices that is an abomination to Him. Martin Luther also did not want the Book of Revelation to be included in the Bible when they planned it. (The reason I...
  14. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    In 2 Co 3:14 he says it was done away with and he is not talking about the Covenant but the "reading of the "diatheke"' If you read all Scripture starting at the Book of Genesis you will know that what you read does not depend on Him lifting the veil. "Scholarships" are why people cannot...
  15. R

    Something wrong with Christianity?

    Guys lets all take a deep breath. We are all souls searching hence us being here. This is a light example of what is lying ahead. Scripture says that nation will rise against nation and even family members will turn against each other. Even though Frank is unnecessarily aggressive in making...
  16. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    Very true and that is not what is preached these days. We do not just have to show for the Wedding but also have to be dressed for the occasion.
  17. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    I know it is hard to grasp and I'm sorry if it comes across as insulting. Religion was set in place to divide and conquer. The good news is that this leaves one focusing on Faith and that is where our focus should be so you don't have to cringe for the rest of your life :) That may have been His...
  18. R

    Religious Beliefs and Morality

    I know it is a discussion (and we do not have much time as this is not the Interfaith platform we have to worry about) I did answer you with Matt 10 There are only 12 stones in the Yarden The Truth lies in all of Scripture put together. "I have tested and been tested by the words of Paul and...