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  1. JustGeorge

    What Are You Watching on Youtube?

    Good to review
  2. JustGeorge

    Can there be a truth so great, that possibly even God could not do anything greater?

    I'm not a monotheist, so this doesn't ring true for me. You could pull from the "they all come from the same Source" idea, but that still isn't quite the same.
  3. JustGeorge

    Mystery Thread

    Mashed plantains, and dumped sauteed peppers and garlic over it, topped with a fried egg(and hot sauce). That was much more wonderful than I was expecting.
  4. JustGeorge


    Hoping you all have a very wonderful new year!
  5. JustGeorge

    What Are You Watching on Youtube?

  6. JustGeorge

    Muslim Reformers

    Do tell? (I'm fairly ignorant on the subject.)
  7. JustGeorge

    Be still and know that I am God

    Most people like toast.
  8. JustGeorge

    Be still and know that I am God

    I don't know if its the same. On a molecular level, perhaps? Go down that far, and I'm sure it all looks the same... Standing next to the bucket and the ocean, an outsider would perceive a difference. Though one could empty the bucket, and they'd be the same again... (Just meandering.)
  9. JustGeorge

    Be still and know that I am God

    No, but the pail can say "what's in me is the same as what's in the ocean".
  10. JustGeorge

    On or Off The Pill

    Meds are interesting. My son takes epilepsy meds for bipolar.
  11. JustGeorge

    On or Off The Pill

    Yeah, there are side effects. But I'd rather see it available for those vvho need it than end up vvith more unvvanted pregnancies. That can have an impact on society and the vvorld as vvell.
  12. JustGeorge

    Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas to the Christian/Catholic delegation from the :kitty: delegation

    Mine sits on my lap most of the time. :) VVell, more the arm of the chair and my leg.
  13. JustGeorge

    Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas to the Christian/Catholic delegation from the :kitty: delegation

    I have a plug in keyboard available, but I am alvvays getting up-dovvn-up-dovvn that its a burden to use(I'm on a laptop). I figure folks can suffer vvith my double vs. In some cases, I'll use the alt combos, but in most situations, it doesn't really matter. People can read vvhat I'm trying...
  14. JustGeorge

    Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas to the Christian/Catholic delegation from the :kitty: delegation

    I knovv the basics. Birth of Christ. The story surrounding that. Star and vvise-men, etc. I get confused vvith some of the surrounding celebrations. I see a lot of discussion on 'advent' in another group I'm in. I understand that's a type of countdovvn, but it seems there's a lot of...
  15. JustGeorge

    Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas to the Christian/Catholic delegation from the :kitty: delegation

    I guess it shows how much I know(or don't). :D
  16. JustGeorge

    Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas to the Christian/Catholic delegation from the :kitty: delegation

    Not really. I knovv Christmas comes on the 25th, but don't knovv boo else about it all.
  17. JustGeorge

    Muslim Reformers

    Our local Muslims have been nothing be considerate and remarkably tolerant, preferring to forgive the person that vandalized their mosque rather than persecute. They have weekly 'community meals' in which all are welcome.
  18. JustGeorge

    Post Pandemic Worship

    I always dreamed of buying an empty place of worship... and rededicating it. :) (And yes, living there, somewhere, because I'd have to to maintain it.)
  19. JustGeorge

    Your Daily Rant

    There are a lot of potential reasons...
  20. JustGeorge

    Your Daily Rant

    Just because a kid doesn't want to talk to you doesn't mean they have ADHD! It might mean you're stuffy and boring.