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  1. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thomas said: I think the Primordial Couple are prior to 'all humanity'. Autogenes said: It seems Eve’s chief motivation, other than a good meal, was for wisdom. Thomas said: The motivation was seeking equality with God… Prior to the act, they lived in a state of Oneness, of Unity...
  2. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    On this day in America, we honor the life and sacrifice of Doctor Martin Luther King, a true Christian martyr and American hero. His dream remains alive in the hearts of millions, and shall not die. Thomas: Adam and Eve – our Primordial Parents – chose to follow their own wills in...
  3. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings friends and Happy New Year, I’ve been a bit distracted over the holidays. Reflecting on the fate of St. Maximus the Confessor, there were a lot of debates in ancient times about the two natures of Christ and how that should be understood. It’s a mystery with a complicated history...
  4. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas and Merry Christmas to All, You make a lot of interesting points in your last post. I share your admiration and respect for Origen, one of the greatest philosophers and theologians of antiquity. I’m less familiar with Maximus the Confessor, but he apparently like Origen, he...
  5. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas, and others who may be following our discussion, From your last post: My issue <with Gnosticism> is syncretism, as opposed to synthesis. I’m not sure the distinction, but the Gnostic mythology and philosophy certainly drew from multiple sources, mostly Jewish, Egyptian and...
  6. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas, I’m a little slow getting back to you this time. We may not be as far apart as it might seem. You accept the soteriological value of Gnosis, but apparently don’t like the Christian Gnostic sects that emerged in the second century. Your objections seem to be primarily moral and...
  7. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas, An interesting conversation we’re having. Helmut Koester may not be above criticism, but he was a very influential and highly regarded New Testament scholar, chosen by James Robinson to introduce and translate the most important text in the Nag Hammadi Library. He was Elaine...
  8. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas, Thank you for your interest and engaging in discussion with me. Here's my reply to your last post. My comment: Thomas was more esoteric and sapiential; Q has a more apocalyptic focus. Your comment: That would put Q as an older tradition source than Thomas. My Response...
  9. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Greetings Thomas, Thomas means “twin” in Aramaic, and Didymus means “twin” in Greek. John 11:16: Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” Are you suggesting “Didymos Judas Thomas” who compiled the original collection of...
  10. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Peace, The Gospel of Thomas begins: These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke, and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. “Didymos Judas Thomas” means Thomas the twin in Greek. In Thomas the Contender from Nag Hammadi, Jesus speaks of Thomas as his twin. He is the doubting Thomas...
  11. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    “He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie” - John 1:27. This more likely reflects the theological views of the evangelist than the actual words of John. You probably won’t find that quotation in the Mandean scriptures. 1 Thessalonians, Paul’s first...
  12. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thank you LightWithin Your words of encouragement were all I needed. Here’s my next message… I believe Jesus was among a circle of contemplative ascetics who splintered off from the Essenes at Qumran under the leadership of John the Baptist, forming a new baptismal sect attaining higher...
  13. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    "Proclaiming himself king of the Jews, Yeshua was eventually hunted down and crucified. Oddly enough, Yeshua was far from a warrior, would never be able to lead men in battle or control the logistics of a military campaign. Had King David met Yeshua, he would have been greatly disappointed with...
  14. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    " alignment with prophecy" "With Biblical prophecy in mind" The events of 1945 were in complete alignment with the very words of Jesus as preserved for us in the Gospel of Matthew regarding the circumstances of His Second Coming.
  15. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thanks Lightful One, Sounds like somebody gets it!
  16. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thank you Tony, I appreciate your supportive comments. One might compare the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, where it is believed that Padmasambhava, the tantric master who brought Buddhism to Tibet in the eighth century, hid sacred treasures (terma), to be discovered in later ages by...
  17. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    From the Gospel of the Egyptians, discovered at Nag Hammadi: The great Seth wrote this book with letters in one hundred and thirty years. He placed it in a mountain that is called Charaxio, in order that, at the end of the times and eras, by the will of the divine Autogenes and the whole...
  18. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thanks for your thoughts David, Are you familiar with the story of Stanislav Petrov, a Russian officer in Soviet Air Defense, who decided the computers were lying when they told him the US had launched 5 ICBMs at the USSR back in 1983? It might've been MAD in "83 if he had only just followed...
  19. Autogenes

    Hi David, RJM suggested I seek out your opinion of my new Interfaith Forums post and YouTube...

    Hi David, RJM suggested I seek out your opinion of my new Interfaith Forums post and YouTube video "The Second Coming of Christ 1945 (on Interfaith Forums Alternative threads). If you feel inclined to check it out, I would be interested in your impressions. Shalom, Autogenes
  20. Autogenes

    The Second Coming of Christ 1945 - a new interpretation

    Thanks for your comment RJM, Here's my Allogenes story for you, and how I happened upon this idea: While sitting in a favorite cafe in San Francisco one Sunday morning many years ago, someone asked to share the table. After taking a seat and seeing what I was reading, he commented in...