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  1. M

    I'm Mike

    There shouldn't be a need for heat, and this isn't a kitchen. But that's exactly what I am doing. I have lots of experience in forum discussion.....decades worth. I have lots of experience in Interfaith dialogue, decades worth. I have lots of experience combining the two.... 2 decades worth. I...
  2. M

    I'm Mike

    Nope, long term posters being rude to newbies and dictating posting requirements that aren't in the forum rules..... I can see this isn't somewhere I plan on staying. It was a nice idea, at least.
  3. M

    Sapere aude

    What do I want you to be? So I'm relatively new here, too, and perhaps I have confused your posts with someone elses in terms of what your spiritual worldview is. But the point still stands...... you're no more original than anyone else, and if you're asking a question of someone who holds a...
  4. M

    Sapere aude

    Ah, so you're saying that everything you say as a Christian is original? I'm sorry, but if you ask an atheist a question and expect something other than an atheist response, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment. To suggest that it's yawn-worthy when you get the response from...
  5. M

    Sapere aude

    You see, this response concerns me. I may not entirely agree with how Naturalist views the world and explains their experiences and thoughts on it, but they're not my views, experiences and thoughts, so will be different. That difference is not a threat to me, but IS of interest to me because I...
  6. M

    Sapere aude So there's some suggestion we have more than 5 senses, anyway. :)
  7. M

    Sapere aude

    Or even the difference between scientific hypothesis and scientific theory....and maybe how we use the word 'theory' colloquially. :)
  8. M

    Sapere aude

    Good point. I'd worried for a moment that you'd end up adopting an almost evangelical zeal for 'correcting' people. But that would be my projection on the matter, and perhaps even when correcting people, you would do so with kindness and diplomacy. :)
  9. M

    Sapere aude

    That's interesting. That sounds more like an agnostic than a religious person to me. But maybe I'm interpreting your reply in a more generalised way. The God of the gaps is a logical fallacy, but the God of 'I don't know' isn't? Or are we working with different notions of the God of the gaps...
  10. M

    Sapere aude

    Ok, so the God of the gaps is automatically a logical fallacy, yes? So is your argument that all religion and belief must be illogical/fallacious and require correction?
  11. M

    Sapere aude

  12. M

    Sapere aude

    That seems fair. But I wonder, anyway, why being right or wrong needs to be considered an issue? Again, if it's about something that genuinely poses a threat to physical well-being, then the point is taken. But if not, is it really an issue? :)
  13. M

    Sapere aude

    Thinking further, if you feel so strongly about correcting people with regard to the God of the gaps, why would you not correct someone who was on their deathbed? :)
  14. M

    Sapere aude

    If the alternative answer is 'we just don't know', it's pretty hard to be certain that the God of the gaps is the wrong answer. I'd suggest it's also pretty hard to categorically correct them on that. :)
  15. M

    Sapere aude

    Those Norns have much more control over your wyrd than we give them credit for. :D
  16. M

    Sapere aude

    Yep, irrationality CAN be problematic. So can rationality taken to extremes.....emotions are largely considered irrational (although what I think is meant is that the ways of expressing emotion can be counter productive), and yet trying to suppress emotions can be harmful. God of the gaps, may...
  17. M

    Sapere aude

    I find it interesting that irrational and valueless are connected in your opening sentence. I wonder if irrationality is valueless? We suggest that people have an 'irrational' fear of heights/spiders/whatever, when what we might be observing is a particularly elevated survival instinct. With...
  18. M

    Sapere aude

    I suppose it comes down to whether you NEED life to be entirely rational, or whether you can accept that life isn't always going to meet your requirements for rationality. Human beings aren't entirely rational. Now you may feel that is an issue. But it's also, largely speaking, a factual...
  19. M

    I'm Mike

    I understand the challenge with regard to achieving the intention.....emotions can overwhelm the capacity to remain considerate, sometimes.... and we can all fall victim to that. But it's good to aspire to mature, considerate and compassionate dialogue, and maybe to remember that we, too have a...
  20. M

    I'm Mike

    It's a while since I've posted to a forum. I prefer the forum format to other social media platforms. But they seemed to lose 'footfall', and therefore the kind of diverse dialogue that came with it. With regard to Interfaith dialogue, I find there's a difference between IRL dialogue and online...