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  1. tectrikz

    How can Muslims be assured that the Qur'an is the Word of God?

    Making a Claim that the Roman Empire will suffer a defeat and then a few years later will gain victory isn’t really prophecy. You can say that about any war, let’s take WW2 someone could have said before it started that Russia will be defeated by a land close by then a few years later it will...
  2. tectrikz

    Can anyone anwser this Question?

    OK, let’s assume that the man asks forgiveness on a deep level, one that God is convinced that he is truly sorry for his sins. So that means the man goes to heaven and the girl would end up in hell? By the way, I'm gone for the weekend, so I will be back on sunday night to respond to anymore...
  3. tectrikz

    Can anyone anwser this Question?

    Thanks for the reply Inpeace, I’m still confused on the question though because if the women were young lets say in her teens would God be merciful because she hadn’t lived a long life and had the same amount of chances that others had to discover God? The other thing that comes to mind is that...
  4. tectrikz

    Can anyone anwser this Question?

    If a man rapes a women and then kills her, then later in his life becomes a Christian and asks forgiveness for his sins and means it. Well the women on the other hand never believed in Jesus. Does the man go to heaven and the women go to hell?
  5. tectrikz

    but who created the atoms, energy?

    The problem I have with saying God is nature, is that it makes me think that the word “god” is just a metaphor for the universe. So if “god” is just a metaphor for the universe, why should we call it god, why not just call it the universe?
  6. tectrikz

    God, space and time

    If God is everything then God would control the forth dimension (time) and therefore would have all the time in the world to observe. Can't really argue with the love stuff, and don’t really want too. We will see when I die just how just God is, if he is the Christian God I’m screwed sense I...
  7. tectrikz


    I see your point with it being impossible, and that atheistic evolution uses simpler calculations which put it at 1 in 4.29 x 1040. Which is less then 1.0 x 1050 and is therefore not impossible. You can argue it both ways but the ones with a lower numbers are trying to say is possible with...
  8. tectrikz

    God, space and time

    If God is everything, am I God? I don't believe that I am God but if he is everything then he is me. The way I see it God is an observer who watches over everything but he/she is not everything.
  9. tectrikz


    Abiogenesis is not impossible just very very very low probability of happening but in the vastness of space who knows it may of happened only once and here on earth. Its the same as in physics, push on the wall in your room for a few billion years and you have a very low chance but it is...
  10. tectrikz

    Why Do You Believe?

    Don’t have a religion but I am a Theist. If you would have asked me a year ago what I was I would have told you I was an atheist, that I believed in science and that life was one big cosmic fluke. The more I learned about science the more it made me believe in something more. The world is...
  11. tectrikz

    Deism and Nihilism

    I’m taking a course at my university on religious studies and we have to write a research paper on any topic that relates to religion. I was thinking of doing Deism or Nihilism and I was wondering if anyone could help me get started with their thoughts or a website or books I could read.
  12. tectrikz

    God, space and time

    - Almost same amount that believe that God is the Light If god is light then he is moving at the speed of light (299 792 458 m / s). - How fast was God moving, when He was creating light, or even better, how fast was He moving when He was creating Darkness ? I personally believe that there...
  13. tectrikz

    God, space and time

    Time gets slower and slower as you approach the speed of light. It theoretically stops at the speed of light, so you see God is moving at 299 792 458 m/s.:)