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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Hi F2F as I understand it people of Islamic faith believe that we Christians and also Jews are "people of the book". That our Bible though corrupted is a revelation of God. If that is so, though our faith may in your terms, be in error, doesn't it mean that we believe in the same God?
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Hi Thankyou so so so much for your post. This thread has gone off track for many recent posts. I am a Christian and my denomination is Uniting Church in Australia which is a Potestant denomination. Like you I would answer YES! to the first six quesrtions and NO! to the last. This is not...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Mostly agree with your post! The prophets were largely not self proclaimed and could often fall into other categories as well. At least some may have been of humble origins... Amos for instance describes himself as an agricultural worker. However I think you have the emphasis upside down. Most...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Mmmm... Methinks the discussion here is heading of to a far country far away from the original thread! To bring it back a little, in my other posts to this thread I've argued that we Abrahamic fiath people do believe in the same God. I think we probably all have the same basic view of...
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    Do you believe?

    It's Not surprising that: "that the sea parted and allowed them to pass and then drowned the rest?" got 100%.... The exodus, most Christians and Jews (I think), would believe is the theological heart of the Tanak/Old Testament. Both Judaism and Christianity are historic faiths... They depend...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Mmmm, Hi Amica, I'm not sure if this is really the right place/topic to reply to some of you points but, hopefully I can suggest some different perspectives on some of your points In fact nearly all schollars agree that the majority, if not all of the New Testament was written before serious...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    I think I may have said something like this in an earlier post to this thread, but i believe the classic Christian understanding of God is that God requires perfection from humanity. That is an effort which is beyond us as limited and flawed human beings. (In Christian Scripture look at Matthew...
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    typical images of Jesus Christ in your Christian denominations

    Hi, I'm from the Uniting Church in Australia, sort of a Presbyterian/Methodist hybrid... Like many Protestant denominations we have no typical image of Jesus and tend to have an empty cross... One of my favourite images of Jesus though comes from the UK and the artist is Henry Martin from the...
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    Who is Jesus?

    Dear Ruby and all, There are whole books written on the subjects you raise.... I guess for me I understand the atonement in Christianity being about Jesus being an obedient human on behalf of us - "He who knew no sin became sin in order that we might become the righteousness/goodness of...
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    Ezekiel's vision

    This topic of what if there are older alien civilization- what does that do to Christianity and other systems of belief?, is one which is at least as old as Science Fiction. In the first two books of C S Lewis' Science Fantasy trilogy Out of the Silent Planet and Peralandra (aka Voyage to...
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Yes way back when I first joined. I tend to read and reflect only responding sporadically, so I only pop up from time to time which probably makes me hard to remember. Thank-you for asking in any case.:) Blessings Andrew
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Dear all and Inquisitive at Halifax, I think Inquisitive's final post to this thread was really quite temperate given many of the other posts!!! Just a few points. I belong to a denomination called The Uniting Church in Australia. It has had one woman president and at least 50% of new...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    I must preface this posting by apologising for raving on as usual!!!!:o Hi all and didymus, Apologies for my tardiness in this response, but I could not let the quote from Mark go without at least a few words comment. I think it is relevant because it does go to the heart of the different...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    I've been watching the last few posts with interest. I think I agree with Quahom1 to a large degree. We Abrahamic faiths do believe in the same God. Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Ishmael, and Adam being a few of the figures we have in common. We all believe that we are the inheriters of the Abrahamic...
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    Which religion do you follow?

    I guess most folks or a large proportion anyway, on the site are searching, exploring or interested in new ideas. Others of us are interested in dialogue... so it's a bit of a self-selective group. Ironically it's probably those who most want to name their own faith and are ignorant of others...
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Wasn't there even one blind man who felt further or listened to the others or found some common thread?
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    Do we (Muslims, Christians and Jews) believe in the same God or not?

    Yes I think we do believe in the same God. Jews, Muslems and Christians as I understand it all worship the God of Adam, Noah and Abraham!! After that it all gets a bit confusing, but we believe share at least two of the covenants of God with God's people. The earth will never again be disryed...
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    A very common Christian answer to your question is that God is above/outside or transcends gender, because God is spirit. This oddly enough is particularly true of God the Father as well as the Holy Spirit... Paul in the Bible also says that for those who are "in Christ" there is no Jew, no...
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    Favourite verse

    What's your favourite verse of Scripture and why? Hi! This is a bit cheeky since I'm a brand new member, but I thought I'd have a go at starting a new thread which might lead to some interesting dialogue, insight and interaction. For most of us who believe there is probably a verse of...
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    G'day I'm new to the forum. I've joined because I was asked some time ago to join a national reference group on interfaith relations for my denomination (The Uniting Church in Australia). I knew nothing about it but am one of those people who will often not say no! I also joined because given...