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  1. H

    Gospel of Thomas

    Maybe we should 'revise' the title, not Gospel of Thomas but Teaching of Jesus Christ by Thomas. My thought.
  2. H

    Gospel of Thomas

    How about this? (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds...." No doubt that being christian always need effort, it is not easy. (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor...
  3. H

    Gospel of Thomas

    Please give me your opinion about Gospel of Thomas.
  4. H

    Christianity minus Paul

    Have you read "Teaching of Twelve" yet? please search at google. One example, Paul wrote a letter to church of Galatian because of they'd lost their way in Christianity. Why do you think he wrote it for you either? Are you lose the way either? like galatians? For me without bible, every...
  5. H

    Christianity minus Paul

    Greeting all, Yes, Paul is an very important part of Christ body without him there is no Christian like this time. But you should use your intellectual to respons every Paul's letter. Christian isn't a religion, it is a believe. So there isn't any written law in Christian, even inside the...
  6. H

    The Bible's Authors

    ...about Paul the apostle.Better we move our discussion to Christianity Forum > ... minus Paul :) GBU
  7. H

    The Bible's Authors

    My lord is Jesus Christ not Paul. Seems you lose the context, what i said was not about the truth of any religion but rather the Christian false scripture, Gospel of Barnabas. I said, as a christian, i knew if there is a false one from christian scriptures. So if you are a jews, you'll...
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    What is the prominent teaching of Buddha?

    Dear Vajradhara, The fourth question means, every people has his own needs so has the king of ancient Hindia, could this may interfere the Teaching of Buddha? NEFP = Noble Eight Fold Path :)
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    The Bible's Authors

    :D you said that was thinking objectively? for you, use Torah not Jesus.
  10. H

    why Church why ?

    If yes Jesus have been married then why? does marriage evil? If no what do you care? Are you his disciples?
  11. H

    What is the prominent teaching of Buddha?

    Thanks to all your response. :) But a few another questions plz : 1. Is dukkha refer to every living in flesh? 2. How about karma and reincarnation? 3. How to reach the Noble Eight Fold Path? hmm maybe some standard? 4. Are there any mens interfered through this day Teaching of Buddha? 5...
  12. H

    The Bible's Authors

    As a part of Christ body, i definitely recognize which is true word of Christ and which is fake. Don't you either as Muslim (or Jew)? Try to think objectively. I give you an example : as a tree you'll recognize the fruit you'd bear, for the fruit always shows its tree whether it's good or bad.
  13. H

    What is the prominent teaching of Buddha?

    To all Buddhism, plz teach me all about Buddha Teaching and of course the prominent one from Him. e.g in Christian: LOVE (Agapau), Love the Lord your God in all your heart, and in all your soul, and in all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Thx.
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    ok, thanks mod. :)
  15. H

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Behold: Quote: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection, but I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. -1 Timothy 2:11, 2:12 That isn't Jesus Christ teaching, that was Paul's.
  16. H

    EVIL! what is it?

    EVIL = when your ego results suffering to other personal.
  17. H


    and Laozi of course. Is there any Buddhism can tell me about the prominent teaching of Buddha?
  18. H

    The Bible's Authors

    Contradictions 1. The Gospel of Barnabas says Jesus stated "I am not the Messiah" (sec. 42,48) which contradicts both the Bible (Matthew 16) and Quran (Sura 5). It calls Paul apostate, circumcision is necessary for Salvation (Sec. 23) Jesus did not die on the cross, Judas did in his place...
  19. H

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    If God is not male or female then Jesus Christ should tought us to call God as 'our Parent in heaven'And truly i tell you by the blood of Jesus that God is MALE.
  20. H

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Could be Jesus Christ wrong in teaching? cause i never heard about the 'feminime' side of God in heaven.