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  1. P

    Islam forbids using Weapon of Mass Destruction

    hey i posted here i don't know why my post didn't appear!
  2. P

    Islam forbids using Weapon of Mass Destruction

    yes,but remember 1-we will not use nuclear weapon against the peaceful nations. 2-we will not use it for fighting in a normal war. 3-it's main purpose is for terror to make enemy frightened not for real use. 4-our real enemies have already nuclear weapons and are stronger than us,they have the...
  3. P

    A few qustions

    thanks thipps, & light Gazakom Allah khayran i just wanna add a little opinion that u should know that islam forbidden any sexual relations between man and woman except if married.. some people can't have only one sexual relation they may have over sexual desire For that reason they are not put...
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    miracles of Quran

    thank u very much for ur explanation,boss and ur notes will be in mind on next times(if Allah wishes)
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    Islam forbids using Weapon of Mass Destruction

    i think it's not forbidden nothing in Quran nor sunnah mentioned that it's forbidden on the other hand,in Quran 8:60 (Against the make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and...
  6. P

    miracles of Quran

    i started to understand u u mean that the problem is not in the typing of the address of the site but it's about the subject of topic?? then ,why we are here? for answering questions of others only or what?:confused: i started to feel that i don't understand! i thaught we r here to answer...
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    A few qustions

    never mind,sir we are one team:) thank u maasalama
  8. P

    My recent visit to a Muslim Center

    yes,that is nice
  9. P

    A few qustions

    thanks light for ur answer so,as light said but i can also say, that the real problem between us all is the belief about Jesus so,Jesus is the person needed at that time Jews say that Jesus is not a prophet nor God christians say he is God and son of God Muslims say he is a great prophet sent...
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    miracles of Quran

    i didn't make advertising for sites just mentioning the source of my information and saying to the people who read my words if u want more details about that topic visit that site. so,if someone is interested in that topic ,he can find more that is all
  11. P

    miracles of Quran

    at 1st ,if i came to the christian forum telling about discrepancies of bible,u will delete my posts this forum is for questions of non-muslims and for muslims discussion:) but okay,i love the religious discussion i think that u don't have problems with hearing with ears nor seeing with eyes...
  12. P

    miracles of Quran

    when we search for the truth we are ready to visit sites u can call it a journet to another world with sites of the other opinion
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    A few qustions

    ooops i was about to talk about the spelling but u talked b4 me 1-the messenger of God(Allah) Mohammed was the messenger of God and the last prophet who carried the last message from God for all people in the universe..and of course he is real and his tomb is in Madina in Saudi Arabia.. 2-yes...
  14. P

    Which wife?

    welcome bluroze peace be upon u Khadija was most beloved than other wives of the messenger of God also he loved her all the time and after her death that he confirmed she was the best wife who helped him and believed in him at the time at which other people said he is not a prophet and harmed...
  15. P

    Questions about Islam

    hadith is said by the messanger of God,by Mohammed Quran is said by God and in arabic u will find the hadith is a normal arabic Quran is a holy arabic not like hadith nor any other words at all okay? but as u read the translation ,u feel both are the same
  16. P

    miracles of Quran

    :) i will visit that topic soon,if God wishes
  17. P

    miracles of Quran

    oooops how do u understand the word? i talk about few miracles of too many u can go to it's a site about the miracles (all the discovered ones) what i mentioned here are few scientific ones in the site u can find mathematical,scientific,historical,all u want but about the scentence u...
  18. P

    miracles of Quran

    God said in Quran what may be translated into: "soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things? 41:53...
  19. P

    miracles of Quran

    the sensory receptors of skin In the skin there are sensory receptors of feeling heat and pain at the point where the nerve ends carry a current of signals to the brain. This results in man feeling the sensation of heat on his skin. Extreme heat destroys the nerve's ends, which results in man...
  20. P

    miracles of Quran

    creation of Jesus God created Adam from no human& created Eve from male &created Jesus from female &created all others from male and female (proving his full power and ability) u can never say Adam is father of Eve and can not say Eve is daughter of Allah ,u can't say that Allah married Adam to...