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    this generation

    Whether it's a question of never quit, I was told once that its in finishing the race not winning, As for generation are we not the church age which in it self is a generation ? leaving us one more view to consider in the greater scheme of things.
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    Reincarnation Paradox

    I to see this point which is that time is not a constraint in spirit and I would suggest that the belief of reincarnation could have it's roots in touching upon the oneness of the spirit ? We have heard of divine visitation and even thou it's not a well know fact there seems to be a form of this...
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    I took a quick look in my Concordance, I am pretty sure that I read some where that all that spoke of the good news was in fact prophesying. I believe it's in the Epistles. We all come into his light with one gift to start. Growing in the spirit it's given onto us more spiritual gifts which are...
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    POINT OF INTEREST Is Ecstatic dancing found under praise (dance, wave) It is a form of healing with very old roots in the book. Dance is a great form of art and a powerful place to listen to God Welcome new comer as is myself
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    Sum up your religious belief

    I am not against formed Religion, but to sum up my belief.......... I AM A MAN AFTER GOD CHRISTIANITY HAS A BAD NAME.
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    this generation

    Is not the question here are we that generation ? It is easy to see how it would relate to us the world is a hardened place for those who follow. Burton the content of the message correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Jesus also tell us that he forewarned us for our peace. I believe that generation...
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    Jesus Never Was a Mystery- Jesus Himself Explains – Sigh of Jonah

    I reveiwed the views expressed and have found the content leaves room for opinions that lead us to question what we should believe. As for myself as I believe it was for most the teachings of Christ comes to us in spirit, it is true that many teachers come to us in times of need. Was I to quote...