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  1. B

    what convinced you your faith is the truth?

    Hi Paul, I was raised as a Catholic so I had to validate the claims of the Baha'is from that point of view. I studied the Baha'i Faith for many months after years studying other sects of Christianity and other religions. I'm not sure why I did this, maybe it was teenage rebellion. After...
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    In the UK we have been asked to contact our local Member of Parliament. Our community had a meeting with our MP a few weeks ago and he was very sympathetic to the situation and promised to raise the question in Parliament with the UK Foreign Office (State Dept in US terms). He also said that he...
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    Hi Flo, That's probably a blessing. Bill
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    The Greatest Principle of Comparative Studies of Religions

    Re: The Greatest Principle of Comparative Studies of Religions/Interfaith Dialogue Hi, May I be permitted to take a different tack? I often feel that the value of a question lies in the nature of questions, rather than in any answers they may provide. The reality taught to us by science and...
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    Hi, Can't help on 1914. The Fatima apparitions culminated in 1917, although the children reported mystical events starting as early as 1915. The 3rd secret was made public in 2000 by the Vatican. At that time they said it referred to the attempt on John Paul's life. There are all sorts of...
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    Baha'i calendar

    Hi Bruce, Thanks for your prompt reply. I am sorry that I have not replied earlier but I have been abroad for a few days and I tried to stay away from computers (succesfully). I do realise that they are attributes, but as Baha'u'llah never did anything on a whim (or at least that's what I...
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    did bahai prophets receive divine revelations?

    Hi Paul, As far as I know there is no mention about this in our Writings. Others, of wider reading and better memory, may be able to put me right. From my own thoughts, and I must stress this is no more than that, and is not an attempt to be a Baha’i point of view, just an offering of some...
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    Baha'i calendar

    I have often thought about the names for the months in the calendar (with little success in understanding). Accepting that God does all things with a purpose (maybe some will disagree with that) some of the month names are curious. The Hidden Words say that the best beloved thing in the...
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    did bahai prophets receive divine revelations?

    Hi Sassafras, Thanks for the kind welcome. Bill
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    did bahai prophets receive divine revelations?

    Hi Paul, I’m also a new member but let me jump in at the deep end and add my thoughts on your question. You’re right, as Baha’is we do not believe in the physical resurrection of Christ, but rather the resurrection of His Spirit. Let’s get the physical one out of the way first. Lay the four...