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  1. P

    Hagar, Ishmael

    My point was that if it were not for the jealousy between Sarah and Hajar, God would not have instructed Ibrahim to leave Hajar in the desert. And because of the jealousy, Ismael was no longer "in the jewish circle".
  2. P

    Hagar, Ishmael

    Also the muslim standpoint is that both Isaac and Ismael were "chosen" as prophets of God.
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    Hagar, Ishmael

    I think it is common knowledge to both religions that Sarah was jealous of Hajar. If you've read the book Sarah by Orson Scott Card, which is based on the Old Testament, Hajar and Ismael are portrayed in a negative light, and that Ismael supposedly commited some kind of theft which was why...
  4. P

    what is islams belef on the crucifiction

    No, the Quran does not specifically say another was crucified instead of Jesus. The actual words in arabic are: wa ma gatalu-hu wa ma salabu-hu wa lakin shubbiha lahum. Literal translation: wa ma: and not gatalu-hu: killed him wa ma: and not salabu-hu: crucified him wa lakin: and but...
  5. P

    The Antichrist Will Easily Take The World

    Has anybody ever thought that maybe someone would try to clone Jesus's DNA? But the attempt would fail and the antichrist would be created instead?
  6. P


    I'd like to share the muslim perspective on angels. The Koran mentions angels several times, but only 2 are mentioned by name: the archangels Michael (Mika-eel) and Gabriel (Jibra-eel). Gabriel is the angel that passed the words of God to the prophets Muhamad, Jesus, Abraham, etc. He is also...