That's quite the loaded survey you've written there Brian. It seems that you wrote it just to give the appearance of being open to change on the subject without really taking input.
I like the concept of a walled garden but the walls should be made in a way that respects all religions...
My understanding of the nature of the Kali Yuga is that it doesn't really have to do with techology or a better material life so much as it has to do with corruption and declining moral values.
Personally I think that corruption is getting quite out of control all over as are morals. So IMHO...
Nope, IBrian, you understand correctly. The trade marked Baha'i Faith's administration is self-proclaimed. Not only that they had to do a little purging, namely of the LSA of France, to tidy up their self proclaimation.
It's simple enough Shinto, Confucianism and Taoism should have their own forum. Of course Eastern Philosophy would be a better title for it than Eastern Thought.
Come on. Admit it. Eastern Thought is a weak name and a lame description.
You'll have to forgive me I thought all your ranting wasn't as mindless as it seemed. I in fact mistook it for a sense of humor. I can see now that you lack that particular trait. That trait of course being myrrhth.
Anyhow, if you have no sense of humor then I think you crossed a BIG RED LINE...
Yeah manna. "Mana" is the archaic spelling. It kind of went with the "old school" joke and echoed the "ana" of banana. Sucks when you have to explain it though.
Who you calling "culty". Judaism is a culty cult if there ever was one. Heck they may have even invented cultyism for all we know...
Bruce you are just proving BananaBrain's point that Abrahamic religions all refer their previous conterparts as "past their sell-by-date".
That being said I don't think old BananaBrain should be as offended as he sounds. What do Jews expect when they dangle prophecy out there like that for so...
For the purposes of the Comparative Religion forum I am a follower of Matrixism (the path of the One).
For other real world purposes I am sometimes a Christian, sometimes a Buddhist, in frequently a Baha'i and often a Hindu. I haven't had much need to be a Muslim yet but who knows what the...
Never heard of Gong. What is it?
Also I'm not only interested in the similarities between these prophecies I'd also be very interested to find out about their differences.
I think that Dharminic Religions would be a much better title than "Eastern Thought".
I think that something like Dharminic Religions is not only more descriptive but also speaks to the real depth of the philosophies involved. I mean anyone might have a "thought" but to have a world view and a...
I have recently become aware of what is know as the Kali Yuga in Hinduism. Apparently this concept is very much like or even identical to the concept of the End of Days in the Christian religion. In a nut shell the KY and ED are marked by decadence, moral decay and finally chaos.
Many Hindus...
It seems to me that the title and description of this forum is seriously in error. When I say forum I mean Eastern Thought not the Hinduisn subforum. Not only does the title of the forum leave out religion altogether but its description "Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao and others" doesn't even...
I have a couple of suggestions on improving the nature of the walls.
Firstly, change the name and description of the Eastern Thought forum. Eastern Religion would be a better less insulting of description. as it stands now it seems to perpetuate the notion of godless Asians. As for this forums...
I agree with "Seeker of truth". It is rather insulting to the Baha'i Faith to not be listed as an Abrahamic tradition when it clearly is one.
One has to wonder if the Baha'i Faith was left out of this forum just to appease Muslims. If that is the case this is an even more egregious insult to...
The truth is that many people become addicted to heroin the first time they use it. It is that physically addictive. And yes it is true not all heroin addicts become slaves to organized crime. But it seems that there are more than enough deaths attributed to heroin overdose to support the notion...
Blizzard & 17th,
You guys act like Matrixism is only about the use of psychedelics when in fact there is much more to the religion.
First there is the prophecy and Matrixism's connection with Abrahamic and Dharminic traditions. It seems that all the world is waiting for a Messiah, return of...
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