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  1. F

    Prophecy concerning Maitreya and the loss of the Dharma with this teaching.

    Dear friends, I think it's important that we learn to respect each other and other Buddhist traditions. In this discussion group there isn't that feeling of mutual respect. So I have decided not to visit this group anymore due to some disrespectul remarks said about my Guru in this...
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    Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Dorje Shugden

    About two years ago, I received a teaching from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in which he said: 'In the future people will become very critical of me and my books. When this happens, don't get angry with them and don't argue. Tell them they are welcome to write better books if they are able.' Some...
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    Buddhist Holy Days

    Tara Day is the 8th day of every month
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    Buddhist Holy Days

    Je Tsongkhapa Day is October 25th
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    Happy Vesak Day

    Nevermind, I just saw that you said it was the full moon day of May.
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    Happy Vesak Day

    when is vesak day?
  7. F

    Who is Vajrasattva?

    just testing this out