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  1. N

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Hi Flow, My intention was not to call you a fanatic! Sorry if that impression came across. I was just trying to define what we actually mean when we use the word belief. Your aspiring servant, Nimesh
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Yes i agree :) . When I accept something on faith, I don't know it's true 100%, that is why it is called faith. Faith cannot exist without some doubt. I have faith that it is 100% true, because I trust the authority. Love is a big part of it. The baby doesn't know anything, so has no choice but...
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Namaskara Taijasi, Thank you for your kind words :) :) . If what I posted had any value, it was to the extent I simply repeated the words of the great acharya (spiritual leader), Shrila Prabhupada . Namaskara, Nimesh
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    It is not a contract. I'm simply indicating the danger of considering it just belief. People have done some pretty disgusting things based on what they believe. Why? Because their belief is not reasonable - it is blind faith. So belief is not very comfortable if it leads to such fanaticism -...
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    My point is that if one ever comes to the level of Jesus' devotion, then it will be BECAUSE he has no other desire but to serve God. The most elevated devotee may have the same level of devotion as Christ, but he will never consider himself as great as Christ, and he will consider all progress...
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    Gifts of the Spirit

    Thank you Dondi, I like the open minded nature of people on this forum - open minded, but with principles and conviction. Living up to name if interfaith. Kind regards, Nimesh
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Like Jesus, but we will never be able to emulate him. He is unique dear servant of God, and we should be happy to try and follow his instructions sincerely. That doesn't mean we will be able to heal the sick etc, but we will be able to bring people love for God - but not just by our effort...
  8. N

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Yeah, people think practicing spirituality is a cop-out, but it's the bravest thing to do. To accept that every piece of suffering i am going through is a result of my own free will and choice - most of us can't believe we would be that stupid to pick this material body full of disease, death...
  9. N

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Yes, i agree mostly, in the sense that Jesus wanted us to love God the way he did. But, we should do so in a humble state of mind. We should never think ourselves so great that we can be on the same level of Jesus' devotion, but to always stay a servant of the servant of God. What is most...
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Objective truth exists as a theory until it is realised in fact by one who is self-realised. The objectivity of the objective truth is only accessible to he who has practiced the process for realising that truth. Other than that, only God can truly be simultaneously objective and subjective -...
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    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    1. Where does Jesus say "I am THE God"? - he never says that at all - he identifies himself as the Son of God. 2. How did you go from "I am who am" to "I am God" ? This is what I mean - it is not specific, you have made an inference and pretend it to be "Truth". What "I am who am" means is...
  12. N

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    I'd replace belief with the specificity of "reasonable faith". This is faith based on knowledge from a reasonable authority. Also, for one who has realised the truth, he can no longer be regarded as a "believer" because he has realised the truth - there is no longer any doubt. It is clear...
  13. N

    Gifts of the Spirit

    As long as we don't keep God at the centre we are insignificant - not in God's eyes, but from the perspective of what we can do in the world and to help others. Until we understand that anything significant in us is simply to do with the fact that we are eternal servants of God, we will never be...
  14. N

    Gifts of the Spirit

    Exactly, George Harrison, after realising that Maharsi Mahesh was bogus, was actually prepared to follow a genuine guru (Shrila Prabhupada) who strictly forbade drugs, illicit sex, meat-eating and gambling. Prabhupada's advice to him was to make devotional songs about God, which Harrison did so...
  15. N

    Gifts of the Spirit

    1. I would say that drugs simply provide illusions and hallucinations. By extending the illusion and escapism it simply adds a layer of ignorance to a world already pervaded with ignorance. 2. Regarding the Beatles, it is dangerous to generalise about all of them. Some had Buddhist gurus...
  16. N

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    Why is there so much controversy regarding Jesus' existence? The fact is if something is true no matter how much evidence you provide for it, someone can easily just say but what if your evidence is fake or made up? In other words, first we must accept that everything we accept is based on...
  17. N

    Gifts of the Spirit

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, so forgive me for butting in! Yeah, I agree with what you say about self-deception. Basically we are minute insignificant living entities that are prone to four types of defects, namely illusion, cheating, imperfect senses and mistakes. No living entity can...